Patrick Mabilog

  • Are calamities really God\'s fault?

    Are calamities really God's fault?

    If you've ever gotten an insurance policy that protects your property -- a car, house or commercial space --there's an option one can take to cover your assets from "acts of God." What this refers to are calamities and weather phenomena such as tornadoes, storms, earthquakes, floods and more.

  • Winning over people who doubt the Bible\'s accuracy

    Winning over people who doubt the Bible's accuracy

    The Bible is not just a book. It is the written word of God that points to the Person and work of Jesus Christ. It is by reading God's Word that we come to know the God that we serve and the hope that He brings through His grace.

  • Building up or tearing down: Why it\'s unchristianlike to think other parents should raise their kids the way you do

    Building up or tearing down: Why it's unchristianlike to think other parents should raise their kids the way you do

    Good advice parenting, which is parenting where following what other parents do right will make you a better parent, is very common nowadays. Allow me to introduce you to a different approach to parenting: good news parenting.

  • Not sure of your purpose? God is already working on it

    Not sure of your purpose? God is already working on it

    God has big plans for you, oh boy does He. And when we drive ourselves into the fullness of Jesus Christ, there's no stopping you from entering the Father's beautiful and wonderful plan that He has in store especially for you.

  • How to recover your faith when you feel like you\'ve lost it

    How to recover your faith when you feel like you've lost it

    We define faith as the complete trust and confidence that we have in the Person of Jesus Christ and every promise that we now have access to because of who He is and what He has done.

  • 7 verses on growing an attitude of contentment

    7 verses on growing an attitude of contentment

    Without a shadow of a doubt, God has every intention and desire to bless believers with material and earthly blessings, but the heart of a believer who knows that every need and want has been met in Jesus Christ will respond in deep and well-founded contentment.

  • 4 things that are sure to mess up every professional\'s schedule

    4 things that are sure to mess up every professional's schedule

    People have different ways of keeping schedules. Some write it down on Post-its, others on planners, and others keep calendars on their gadgets. And then there are also those who don't record schedules at all and just keep record in their own heads.

  • What are some of the ungodly soul ties in your life and how can you break them?

    What are some of the ungodly soul ties in your life and how can you break them?

    Ungodly soul ties are ties that are built by sin -- premarital sexual relations, unhealthy and unequally yoked friendships, pacts, vows and commitments that go agains God's ways. But Jesus can help us break each one of them.

  • The one thing we should be praying more for

    The one thing we should be praying more for

    Did you know that God already has a blueprint for your life that is ready for implementation? It was once destroyed and distorted because of sin, but through Jesus Christ, we now have God's perfect and pleasing will readily available once more.

  • Leadership lessons from the book of Jude

    Leadership lessons from the book of Jude

    The letter of Jude is one of the shortest epistles and books in the Bible. There are only 25 verses in the book and a little over 650 words in it, but in this short letter written by the church leader Jude, we can learn a lot about Godly leadership.

  • Are all forms of debt really bad for our finances?

    Are all forms of debt really bad for our finances?

    Jesus taught over and over again about the principles of finance knowing that money was and would always be one of His greatest rivals in our lives. The way we treat money heavily determines how we view God.

  • A Christian view on savings and financial security

    A Christian view on savings and financial security

    One of the reasons why Jesus bought our lives is so that we may experience freedom, and that freedom includes freedom from financial insecurity and anxiety anchored on money.