When things get tough, it's important to remember what God has done for us
Holy Week is an annual reminder that God loves us in a way our tiny minds can hardly imagine.
What is the Seder? A little word that speaks so much to us in these unusual times
The Pesach Seder, so often having to be celebrated in secret, has now become an invitation to the entire world: 'all those who are hungry, come and eat.'
The Gospel according to Europe's national populists
As the coronavirus pandemic dominates European headlines, politics continue. With governments introducing states of emergency, closing borders, curbing civil liberties and ramping up surveillance, the ground appears fertile for national populism.
A brief history of evangelicalism
The likes of Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield and John Wesley preached the Gospel, which in a Christendom context of cradle Christians was often a radical move.
No laughing matter: there's something greater at stake than the arrest of Rodney Howard-Browne
When a preacher is undermining the Church by his words and actions, and endangering the lives and souls of those within and without, it is incumbent on others who are teachers in the Church (the pillar and ground of the truth), to point out their error and as strongly as possible warn about the harm they cause.
The one thing husbands and wives need to get through the coronavirus lockdown
How can married couples thrive and flourish in these unusual and restrictive circumstances?
Psalm 46:10 is the perfect Bible verse for the world right now
Most of the world seems to have moved online, making it an even noisier place than it was before (virtually speaking).
Coronavirus and the danger of being in denial
There is so much we cannot see. We need to be willing to see past the imminent and the obvious.
In this time of self-isolation, you can still take time to go on a 'lockdown pilgrimage'
It may be a short pilgrimage of less than a mile, but in these uncharted times, it's just as significant.
Living through the coronavirus pandemic: 7 lessons from the persecuted church
People who are persecuted for their faith live the reality of isolation and danger every day. They experience fear and uncertainty, pain and suffering â and yet they see the hope of Christ in the midst of it!
We may be living through a pandemic, but we have so much to be thankful for
The book of Psalms is a powerful reminder that joy and sorrow can co-exist.
The paradox of advancing abortion rights while fighting a global pandemic
In the shadow of a struggling health service and quite literally in the wake of loss of life due to a global pandemic, there is something incredibly distasteful in legislating for the 'right' to end a human life.