Jesus's plea to Russell Brand
The comedian/commentator Russell Brand is a stimulating and fascinating cultural icon. This week I was so moved by one of his vlogs that I sent him the following letter
Despite its flaws, God continues to use the Church to bring healing and hope
For all its faults, the church offers us an opportunity to experience the presence of the transcendent, powerful, life-changing God.
How the Church is fighting fake news & Covid-19 in South Sudan
There are not many places less able to deal with a pandemic than South Sudan.
In memory of Ravi Zacharias
I am very grateful that I learned two big things from Ravi.
The heart of communication
Care for the Family founder Rob Parsons speaks to Christian Today about his new book, The Heart of Communication, and the methods he's gleaned from years of practice that can help any public speaker.
The Church cares about the unborn, but what about the elderly?
It is noticeable and sad how many churches have pulled out of care home provision.
How much are we paying our pastors?
It's clear that a minister's job has many intrinsic motivators, not least receiving an eternal reward, so money really shouldn't be a key motivator, but alongside historic underpayment, an opposite but equally worrying trend has emerged.
What Psalm 44 teaches us about speaking to God
The Psalmist was learning a painful lesson, one that countless people can identify with today.
Jesus the master storyteller
Christian, we do not just have a message to share; there is another's story we must understand first. If we don't, that person will never be able to grasp the beauty of God's story.
Lag Be'Omer and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale
May 12 is a very important date in the Jewish calendar. It is known as Lag Be'Omer, the 33rd day of counting the Omer between Pesach and the receiving of the Torah 7 weeks later at Mount Sinai on Shavuot.
Covid confusion: Church of England clergy and their buildings
Buildings are generally useful and may well be beautiful. But theologically, there was, and is, no Scriptural (or even technological) necessity for clergy to live-stream or record services in church buildings
How Christians can share their faith in a changing world
Seasoned evangelist Becky Pippert speaks to Christian Today about how the Church can continue to witness in times that seem to have become only more challenging since the outbreak of coronavirus.