Are churches soon to lose a friend in the media?
Local and regional media, which have often given churches their best coverage, are in crisis.
The problem with the Green movement
The Green revolution either presupposes that human beings are essentially good and can sort the problem ourselves; or that we are so evil we should just be wiped out for the good of the planet. Neither is true.
What is hope?
This question is in our minds at present as the world grapples with Covid-19 and adopts various stances, depending on culture and background.
Baby Change: Anne Calver on the challenges of becoming a mum and where God is in the midst of it all
Anne Calver thought she would be the perfect mum - until she became a mum! She speaks to Christian Today about the challenges of being a mother, but also the incredible joy, and where God is in it all.
The recipe for resilience
Any realistic view of existence acknowledges that life is full of events that appear from nowhere then either trip you up, wear you down or knock you over so you end up on the floor counting your bruises. Under such circumstances we need to get up!
Most evangelism still isn't disability inclusive
For disabled people, most 'evangelism' comprises scouring the streets for those who are visibly disabled and asking if they want prayer for healing.
In these unusual times, what is God calling you to do?
Vocation is less about a job or achievements, but instead about how we are called to give of ourselves in the fullest way, in a way that serves others.
What's the most precious thing in your life?
It's worth asking questions like this when everything is in total upheaval.
Where is God in a coronavirus world?
This is the stirring title of the new book from Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox. He talks to Christian Today about why there's no easy answer to suffering and pain, but there is always the promise of a God who is with us.
Is coronavirus helping you repent?
We don't like unexpected intrusions into the routine of our everyday lives, do we? Such disruptions can be unsettling, painful and discomforting. The key thing is: how do we then react? And is it the right response?
The antidote for despair
The book of Revelation ends by telling us that the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations. Where are those leaves?
Covid-19 lessons from a British missionary to China
With our schedules being emptied there is much work to be done, chiefly on our knees.