International Women's Day: a key moment for gender equality
While progress has been made in gender equality in the 75 years in which Christian Aid has existed, recent trends have brought about setbacks including the lack of implementation of equality laws in countries which have deeply-entrenched discriminatory practices.
Is the mysterious Nazareth Inscription evidence of Jesus' resurrection?
Ever since the inscription was first published, Christians have speculated that the anonymous emperor was targeting Christians who spoke about the empty tomb of Jesus.
Why every Christian and church should support Destiny Church
When the council states that it wants diversity and equal rights for all, it is lying and should be sued for insulting people's intelligence.
A trial that should shame all Anglicans
Remember that lovely, smiley American bishop who spoke at the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle a couple of years ago? Turns out that Bishop Curry seems to have forgotten his own sermon.
Why we need to care more about early church history
In modern Christian contexts, church history can often be maligned, or viewed as an archaic or at best academic discipline. But there are so many real life lessons for our own Christian contexts that we risk missing out on if we consign early church history to the bookshelves.
Our tax system should be changed to treat families more fairly
Families in the UK in general are treated less favourably than in other countries when it comes to the tax burden. This discrimination should end, but it will take bold, proactive policies to reverse this trend.
The Celtic church has something to teach us about evangelism in the 21st century
In recent times churches have tended to welcome people into their churches only after they have responded positively to their message. The Celts had a very different approach.
The drag queen bandwagon is grooming and sexualising our children
If any other adult was to prance around in their underwear, teaching children how to be sexually provocative, they would be arrested. Ironically the LGBT activists who think this is promoting their cause are only proving the point of those of us who warned that this is where the current obsession with LGBT would lead.
Could we have some more disabled people on TV please?
And not just non-disabled actors taking the part of disabled characters.
Rediscovering a commitment to the Gospel as Word and not just deeds
It is still true that caring for the needy in local communities and around the world is a significant call for the Church. The challenge today is that it does not have the same impact on the community as it did in the early centuries.
Who can you trust to tell the truth about climate change?
As we seek to be honest witnesses, it's vital that we base our opinions on trustworthy sources.
What Boris Johnson can learn from 1 Peter 3:15
Boris Johnson seems to be doing all he can to not expose himself to rigorous questioning by the media.