We need a lot more care-mongering and a lot less scare-mongering
May we all continue to 'think outside of the box' as we do what we can within the confines of our circumstances to look out for those most in need.
COVID-19: eight things you need to know from a pastoral perspective
We are all affected by this turbulent moment in our world's history, but the Bible does provide solid choices in unstable times.
How a mother enslaved by Boko Haram found freedom through the power of forgiveness
Ijanda from Northern Nigeria became a mother while she was a slave a slave to Boko Haram soldiers. She never thought that she or her child would ever return home.
Struggling families will need our help even more during this pandemic
Right now, there will be children across the UK wondering if their parents will be able to put food on the table, worried about what will happen to their education and feeling isolated, unable to see their friends.
Daily survival tips for enduring the lockdown
This unparalleled time in our history truly is a season for us to grow as individuals and as a community. It is a time to replace fear with creativity and find opportunity in the midst of uncertainty.
Self-isolation can be a God-given opportunity, if we let it
If we are prevented from doing the things we normally do, we should start thinking creatively, and use the time we have been given in other ways, ways that reinforce our own health but also demonstrate our care for others.
What does faith in a coronavirus pandemic look like?
Right now, this sucks but coronavirus will not have the final word.
Why has it taken a coronavirus pandemic for the church to actually be there for the most vulnerable?
If some churches had listened to the needs of so many sick and disabled people in the past, getting everything in place for a season of social isolation would have been smoother and faster and, in most instances, already in place.
Coronavirus: what two things does Jesus want you to do today?
How do we know what Jesus might want us to do as Christians during this Coronavirus pandemic? Fortunately, we don't have to guess â because Jesus was once asked what the most important commandment in Scripture is.
Who is Saint Patrick and why is he still celebrated today?
From unbeliever, to slave, to missionary, there is much to learn from this extraordinary man.
Light a candle of hope: A national call to prayer in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic
Presidents of Churches Together in England have issued a call to prayer in the light of the Coronavirus pandemic. This is for all churches and people of prayer to join on Sunday 22nd March, Mothering Sunday.
Three things that should characterise the life of a Christian during the coronavirus pandemic
The unspoken question our friends, colleagues and family are asking is whether our faith makes us different. Do we walk our talk?