Does God cause pandemics?
Is God in some way behind the current coronavirus pandemic? Is He sending us all a warning? Or is it just an example of life being out of control in a world full of problems?
C S Lewis and the war against coronavirus
The wisdom of C S Lewis, who lived through World War Two, speaks to us today in the midst of this unsettling coronavirus pandemic.
Doing digital church: Can we really meet without meeting?
For me, as for many people, digitised church services were something on the periphery of church life, a comforting plan B if we couldn't physically make it to church. Coronavirus has changed all that.
How to look after your mental health in the midst of coronavirus
Don't let Covid-10 isolation destroy your mental health. Thankfully, there are lots of simple things you can do to protect it.
A call to Ireland to pray for healing
A call from the leaders of the Presbyterian, Catholic, Anglican and Methodist Churches in Ireland to pray on Palm Sunday, 5 April, for an end to the coronavirus pandemic.
Plagues and pandemics: what can the Bible tell us about them?
It's not all doom and gloom.
How to be an encourager in a pandemic
Encouragement doesn't take too much effort. All it demands is a bit of thoughtfulness.
Leaving no one behind: lessons from the Ebola epidemic
If Ebola has taught us one thing above all, it's that we desperately need Universal Health Coverage to ensure that the most marginalised and vulnerable citizens can access their right to health, both during times of crisis and times of stability.
What we can learn from Martin Luther about living through this time of coronavirus
Although we find the present COVID-19 pandemic unusual, it's worth remembering that if you look back over history it was a rare generation that didn't have to grapple with such things as the Black Death, plague, cholera or the like.
The Church must repent of its silence in the face of evil
During the coronavirus outbreak, let's be a better Church than ever â yes, by serving those around us sacrificially, but also by unashamedly calling our culture to repent of its sins and turn to Christ.
Blessed are the truth-tellers
Now is the time for truth and accuracy to be at the centre of all our communications.
What the coronavirus pandemic feels like for a theology student
Maybe the resources are scarcer and the challenge is greater, but if we are students then it is our duty to do just that: study - however strange the backdrop.