Celebrating care workers at a time like this
Helen McKay-Ferguson, Marketing & Communications Officer for Pilgrims' Friend Society, spoke to medical student Seth about his rewarding experience as a carer.
As black people cry for justice, Dr King speaks powerfully to us today
Christians should be at the forefront of the battle against any ideology that devalues and dehumanises their fellow human beings.
Tackling the loneliness epidemic in lockdown
Christians, churches and Christian charities will have a significant role to play in addressing loneliness over coming months.
What's so bad about sex education?
School Gate Campaign founder Susan Mason speaks to Christian Today about why she's so worried about the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum and what other concerned parents can do.
Life for older people in such a time as this
Those living here are still lonely, still worried about their mental health, still grieving, but we do all we can at Pilgrim Gardens to comfort in these times.
Pray for fulfilled living in later life so that people of all ages can bear fruit for the Lord
Charities and care homes like Pilgrims' Friend Society needs prayer as our work is under great stress, but we also praise God for the testimonies of our residents' trust in Jesus and their concern for others.
Let us bow afresh to Mammon: the government's mistaken Sunday trading plan
Relaxing Sunday trading hours is disastrously wrong.
We need a better society after lockdown, where older people feel safe
We need a better society after lockdown, where older people feel safe. Many people want a 'new normal 'after lock-down but one where older people won't be airbrushed out of the health system; where they're not considered 'disposable'; where ageism is honestly tackled.
We can be angry with Trump and his Bible stunt, but we must be more angry that another black man has been unjustly killed
I have seen more Christians condemn Trump's use of the Bible for a political powerplay than they have Derek Chauvin's use of excessive force that killed George Floyd.
Can the American Gospel save America?
Are we witnessing the end of US hegemony in the world? Are we witnessing the end of the US as we know it? Some will wish that it were so. For them the end of the US is good news â although they have no idea what the world would be like without the US. For me and many others, we are watching the decline of the US with a growing sense of dread. Is there no good news?
No place like home: the place of the Temple in the Jewish religion
There are many Christians who mistakenly think that we Jews hang onto the Temple and synagogue as the be all and end all of worship. Far from it.
Trump is using the Bible as a defence but for Christians everywhere it is an offence
Where on earth do we start when faced with the image of Donald Trump awkwardly brandishing a Bible outside a church, after ordering the teargassing of peaceful demonstrators who stood in the way of his photo opportunity?