As Trump fights for re-election, the culture war for 'the soul of America' intensifies
Trump has been described as a 'chaos candidate', who thrives in conditions of turbulence and polarization. However, 'the 'chaos candidate' has met a 'chaos event' in the Covid-19 pandemic, and in the unrest on the streets, that possesses the potential to lay bare the inadequacies of his presidency.
Living in times of turmoil, there is something Christians must remember
We have no option but to be involved in this world's affairs, but in all our involvement we must constantly remind ourselves that we are people of the Kingdom of God and we have a loyalty, morality and destiny.
God's ancient answer for racism
Recent racially charged incidents including the tragic death of George Floyd have stirred ensuing riots and torn open the rawest of wounds â racism. Judging a person according to skin color is an ancient sin. For that reason, God gave this ancient solution.
When it comes to fighting injustice, William Wilberforce remains a powerful role model for the Church
Release International supports persecuted Christians around the world. Its CEO Paul Robinson looks at racism through the lens of persecution. And he calls for a new wave of bold reformers like Wilberforce, who gave his all to the long, hard struggle to abolish slavery â tolerated in its day by many Christians.
Progressivism's never-ending story
We must tap into the desire to work for a better world but get it back on track by pointing to the reality of God, the goodness of His world, and the reliability of His Word.
Editing our history won't benefit anyone
I readily identify with those who want to expose the failings of previous generations, but I don't think this should mean editing history.
When Christ stood in Trafalgar Square
There, with London's traffic rushing by, pigeons coming in to land, and tourists snapping photographs of each other, Christ stood unobtrusively. Standing, you could say, at the door of our consciousness, and asking to be let in.
JK Rowling vs Harry Potter stars and the Supreme Court
For Radcliffe, Grint and others, this was a matter of compassion. Of understanding. Of enlightenment. It is high time, they would say, to move beyond the bigoted, hurtful, small-minded views of the past. But all the compassion in the world doesn't change reality
The significance of statues
I'm not comfortable honouring those whose wealth and worth were tied up in the misery and humiliation of others. I'm also not comfortable with crowds of people taking matters into their own hands to take down those statues they're not comfortable with.
Time to end the silence on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria
Inaction thus far is already a blight on the conscience of the international community. It is past time for that inaction to end.
The Government is right to be re-thinking gender self-identification
In these days, when extreme ideology seems all too often to trump a calm consideration of facts, the Government's U-turn on gender self-identification is most welcome.
Disability-selective abortion says some lives are worth more than others: this must stop
The overall figures for those aborted due to disability have risen in the last year, but even more worryingly, these abortions have often been for minor disabilities and disfigurements. I have friends old and young with some of these conditions, and it fills me with horror that they could have been aborted just for being different.