Nigeria's Christians are silently suffering the same fate as Rohingya Muslims
Will we stop ignoring the silent slaughter of Nigeria's Christians just as we rightly deplored the massacre and humiliation of the Rohingya Muslims?
If you take a stand for the unborn, prepare yourself for a lot of abuse
In today's society, however, a politician taking a stand for the unborn, is a target for incredible pressure and abuse, especially if she is a woman and a Christian.
5 ways to conquer the cancel culture
When we compromise our convictions for our companions, we become a slave to human opinions.
Christians shouldn't just be another predictable lobby group
So many Christians contacted me about the Domestic Abuse Bill but not one of them spoke of their concern for the victims of domestic abuse.
Disabled people have suffered terribly during Covid-19: the Church cannot stay silent
The national Church of all denominations has been totally silent on the injustices faced by disabled people - some 20% of the population - during this pandemic.
The antidote to despair in a coronavirus world
G-d knows that we are fallible creatures with faults â and that's how it should be.
The State, freedom of conscience and civil disobedience
It is a legal and moral duty for the Church to challenge the jurisprudential and ethical authority of the state to have set a precedent in the authoritarian closing of churches and prohibition of worship.
Jen Hatmaker celebrates daughter's lesbian identity - what she got right and wrong
Many say that we cannot take a position on homosexuality because all positions will hurt someone. Here's my question: "Are those who defend homosexuality, or who say nothing, truly loving the homosexual, or are they simply seeking to avoid conflict?"
Stephen Cottrell's latest interview: startling, puzzling â offensive?
What sort of qualities ought we to expect to find in a church leader? The New Testament has some pretty clear stipulations about who is suitable and who is unsuitable.
The Church should not be homogenised
In the current situation, where ethnic identity is very much in the spotlight, the issues of diversity in the church are once more in focus. The temptation is to say that we need to be colour blind, that we need to treat everyone the same. But this is wrong.
Abbey's 'black Jesus' stirs up a storm â but is that so bad?
A large-scale painting of the Last Supper depicting Jesus as a black man has sparked controversy and heated debate in the UK and around the world. I reckon that's no bad thing. In fact, it could be really positive.
Pray that Hong Kong's Christians can stand strong
Gina Goh from International Christian Concern speaks to Christian Today about why Christians everywhere need to be worried about what's happening in Hong Kong and what action they can take.