Why the Chinese Communist Party is a threat to the West
The Chinese Communist Party is using the West's own business, education, media and technology as weapons to undermine the democratic countries.
7 myths about human trafficking today â and why it's vital that we stop believing them
While many people think that slavery ended long ago, not so many people know that there are currently 40 million people in slavery - more people than ever before. Shockingly, one in four victims are children.
Why shouldn't people with unwanted same-sex attraction be able to receive professional help?
What is it that makes the very existence of ex-gays so dangerous? And why is there a concerted, worldwide effort to block professional counselling for those with unwanted same-sex attractions?
Countering progressive Christianity
A generation of biblically illiterate adults is now attempting to reform the definition of Christianity!
Covid-19 exposed our need for meaningful relationships and community
Humans are frankly not designed by God to be alone; we are utterly dependent on Him and on one another to multiply, cultivate, evolve, and thrive on the wonder of planet Earth as God commands in His Word and enables by His Spirit.
What does the Bible say about crime and punishment?
The Church has a role to play in promoting a Biblical understanding of punishment.
With lockdown over, is now a good time to go on pilgrimage?
The shops and cafes are open, the kids can go back to school in September, so is now a good time to go on pilgrimage? Well, yes and no.
Tim Farron's right: Christians do need to be more than just another predictable lobby group
We are not a single-issue people who can remain silent at some of the most serious injustices in our world today.
The Church needs its prophetic imagination â now as much as ever
The Old Testament prophets possessed a prophetic imagination that refused to accept things as they were and sought to render them as they should be. Creation could do with some of that prophetic imagination right now
To wear or not to wear a face mask?
The mask question is fascinating. At one level it seems so simple and obvious to some people that wearing a mask is our Christian duty. On the other hand, there are those who argue that it is your Christian right not to wear a mask because the mask is a sign of a tyrannical government and besides which, isn't it useless anyway? So who's right?
Why the Jewish context of Jesus is important
The Archbishop of York recently said Jesus was black. But this is to deny his Jewishness.
Fighting the fourth pandemic: disinformation
The rise in disinformation and fake news has reached epidemic levels in countries around the world, with mounting concern about its negative impact.