
Just too hard? 10 Old Testament passages your pastor\'s never preached on
Just too hard? 10 Old Testament passages your pastor's never preached on

Here are 10 Old Testament passages your pastor has almost certainly avoided, either because they're too gory, too shocking or just too hard to make anything of.

How the name of Jesus has the power to change our direction
How the name of Jesus has the power to change our direction

What many don't know is that something as small as confessions and meditations can affect our pursuit of purpose, and unless we start confessing the name and power of Jesus, we are barely scratching the surface.

Why ministry is for everyone, not just pastors
Why ministry is for everyone, not just pastors

Many Christians think that only pastors are called to make disciples and preach the gospel, and that the rest of us are just called to be at the sidelines experiencing God's favour and blessing but never really getting our hands dirty.

How the gospel frees us from anxiety
How the gospel frees us from anxiety

No matter how hard we try to stay away from anxiety, it finds its way in, but God promises that as we come to know Christ more and more, it will become harder and harder for anxiety to come into us.

3 reasons ministry work can slip up
3 reasons ministry work can slip up

God has always been present in churches and Jesus has always been the foundation, but leadership and people have discounted God's presence and God's move unintentionally, accidentally and unfortunately.

How to live a life of significance
How to live a life of significance

Inside everyone is a deep desire to make their life count, but most of us start off not knowing how that's going to happen.

Your purpose in the world may not be the same as God\'s purpose for you
Your purpose in the world may not be the same as God's purpose for you

A Christian view of success can be completely different from the popular world view of success we see everywhere today. The popular view of success builds on the foundation of the accumulation of wealth and fame while God's view is one founded on a deep relationship with Jesus Christ.

3 non-negotiables to discerning God\'s voice
3 non-negotiables to discerning God's voice

God has made himself available to all of us because we now have a mediator in Jesus Christ who gives us access to God's presence and God's Spirit. As a result, we all now have access not just to experience God, but to actually hear Him speak to us.

3 ways we stop God from building humility in us
3 ways we stop God from building humility in us

One of the things Jesus grows in us is humility because a revelation of Christ and His grace humbles us as we become accustomed to trusting in Him and not in ourselves for salvation, enablement and empowerment.

What does the Bible have to say about investment?
What does the Bible have to say about investment?

When we hear the word investment, the first thing that usually crosses our mind is money. While the majority of the time investment does correlate with utilising money to gain more money, the application of investment principles can apply to more than just money.

5 important discipleship lessons we learn from Jesus
5 important discipleship lessons we learn from Jesus

Here are five of some of the most important that can really jumpstart your discipleship journey with others today.

Can we truly experience God\'s kingdom here on earth?
Can we truly experience God's kingdom here on earth?

Jesus teaches us that seeking God's kingdom and righteousness is what should fill our minds and hearts at all times. But does that also mean that we can experience God's rule, kingdom and goodness just as it is in heaven?

4 realities that show how much God values us
4 realities that show how much God values us

God makes it extra clear to us through Jesus Christ just how valuable we are to Him, and our struggle exists only as a result of our tendency to forget just how much God loves us.

How a Christian can respond to cyber-bullying
How a Christian can respond to cyber-bullying

Cyber-bullying is as real for Christians as it can be for anyone, and sadly many of us do not deal with it too well.

3 ways we lead our children away from God with our words
3 ways we lead our children away from God with our words

Here are three common ways that we lead our children away from God with our words.

God values relationships more than we think and here\'s why we should too
God values relationships more than we think and here's why we should too

So many people live lives treating relationships as cheap. There are so many disposable relationships and conditional partnerships, and unknowingly it breaks us inside because we were moulded in a way that we were meant to be joint together with others in relationships.