
3 Tips to Making Sure You\'re on the Right Track
3 Tips to Making Sure You're on the Right Track

Do you know if you're on the right track towards Christ-likeness and godliness?

Why Standing Up for Righteousness Matters Now More Than Ever
Why Standing Up for Righteousness Matters Now More Than Ever

We must stand up for Christ in this generation.

Is Lack of Money a Good Reason for Christians to Postpone Their Wedding Day?
Is Lack of Money a Good Reason for Christians to Postpone Their Wedding Day?

The reason we get married is not money, it's for the glory of God. But we can't deny that money is an important factor to marriage.

6 Mindsets to Help You Find Meaning in Your Life Today
6 Mindsets to Help You Find Meaning in Your Life Today

Here are six mindset changes that will lead you closer to the meaning that is found in Jesus and away from the meaningless pursuits of the world.

The Subtle Difference Between Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance
The Subtle Difference Between Self-Confidence and Self-Reliance

There is a call to have confidence in ourselves, but to not rely solely on our own abilities, capacity or qualities.

5 Tips on How to Explain Some of the Bible\'s Uncomfortable Truths to Non-Believers
5 Tips on How to Explain Some of the Bible's Uncomfortable Truths to Non-Believers

There is a call to speak, but how can we speak uncomfortable truth, especially to non-believers, in a way that sheds light and not hate? Here are five tips to keep in mind

5 Ways You Can Honour God With Your Money
5 Ways You Can Honour God With Your Money

What can we do to make sure that we use our finances in a way that glorifies God? Here are five ways that you can honour God with your money.

Betrayal: How to Be Healed and Trust Again
Betrayal: How to Be Healed and Trust Again

Are you suffering from the pain caused by the betrayal of a friend, loved one, or fellow Christian? Here are three ways to be healed and live a life free from the pain of betrayal.

What to Do When Tomorrow Seems So Scary
What to Do When Tomorrow Seems So Scary

No matter how much we prepare, or save money for, or even stock up on food or other kinds of preparation one might think, the truth remains that tomorrow is not in our hands to control.But one thing we do know is that God sees our tomorrow, is holding it, and wants us to trust Him for it.

Why God Allows So Much Suffering in Our Lives
Why God Allows So Much Suffering in Our Lives

Suffering is a constant thing while we live on earth. Whether it's a small amount of pain or a relatively large problem, all humans from all nations, socioeconomic statuses, and educational backgrounds face suffering. Why?

6 Scriptures on Experiencing God\'s Presence
6 Scriptures on Experiencing God's Presence

Here are six scriptures that will help us get a better understanding of experiencing God's presence today.

Is It OK for Christians to Swear Sometimes?
Is It OK for Christians to Swear Sometimes?

We are told over and over again by scripture that there is power in what we say and how we say it.

10 Brilliant Ways To Count Down To Christmas With Your Kids
10 Brilliant Ways To Count Down To Christmas With Your Kids

Krish Kandiah suggests 10 ways to help this Christmas be of spiritual benefit to your whole family.

4 Ways to Respond to the Grace of God
4 Ways to Respond to the Grace of God

A heart that really understands that grace is unmerited favour will respond in four ways.

Why Being Patient Doesn\'t Mean Doing Nothing
Why Being Patient Doesn't Mean Doing Nothing

Being patient doesn't mean that we have nothing to do. There is a lot to do, but we don't often see the importance of the role that we play in seeing promises come to fulfilment.

4 Ways We Can Worship God Aside From Music
4 Ways We Can Worship God Aside From Music

Here are four ways of worshipping God aside from singing songs.