
4 Spiritual Investments Every Christian Should Make Today
We are called to invest- as Christians- into our spiritual walk. Here are four ways that you can make spiritual investments today.

Welcoming The Stranger In Our Midst: 10 Bible Verses
There can be little room for doubt about the position of the Bible when it comes to how we should treat the stranger, or "sojourner", meaning someone who resides temporarily: he or she should be welcomed, embraced, and loved.

What Is Luke's Story Of The Miraculous Catch Of Fishes Really Telling Us?
The story of the miraculous catch of fish in Luke 5: 1-11 is a vivid account of the calling of the first disciples.

Three Books That Changed NT Wright's Life
It is not every day you get to sit down with one of the most influential living Christian thinkers.

How We Use Romans 3:23 In The Wrong Context
Romans 3:23 can sometimes be abused and turned into an excuse to remain fallen.

Why Generosity Has Very Little To Do With How Much We Give
While the amount you give is not unimportant, there are much more important factors that come into play when we exercise the grace of giving.

'What Do You Mean By Crushing My People?' 7 Tests Of Spiritual Fruitfulness
ARE YOU a fruitful â or fruitless â Christian? What matters ultimately, of course, is God's opinion â but how can we know what he thinks?

'Joy Cometh In The Morning': 10 Bible Passages About True Christian Hope In A Time Of Pain
We live in difficult, depressing times. How can joy be found in the midst of pain?

Struggling To Pray? Here Are Five Tips To Improve Your Prayer Life
It is hard. Your mind wanders. Dinner, the news, cup of tea â suddenly the most mundane aspects of life become fascinating when we start to pray.

Why God's Joy Is Different From The World's Happiness
As Christians, we are to look to God's joy and not the happiness of this world. How does the joy that comes from God differ from the happiness of this world?

6 Ways To Glorify God On A Regular Basis
Here are six ways that â through the inspiration and leading of the Holy Spirit â we can live for the glory of God on a regular basis.

Moving to a New Season in Life? You'll Need These 3 Things
When a new season comes in, everything changes. Whatever season it is, here are some things you'll need to have with you as you move from one season to another.

3 Things You Need to See God's Plans Better
Just like how a scientist uses a microscope to look at bacteria to study them better, people need to have something that will help them see the plans of God for their lives

3 Reasons Why Today Is Called the 'Present'
Today isn't called the "present" for nothing. Did you know that in God's hands the present is more than just the day or date that you are in?

Trade Ashes for Beauty By Doing This
Many of us think we're worthless and good for nothing. God, however, loves us and wants us to live the life He has designed for us.

These Unhealthy Habits Will Stop You From Pursuing God
Many Christians who desire to pursue God are weighed down by heavy weights that are hard to carry. Here are some unhealthy and bad habits that we all need to let go of if we want to go light and follow God.