
By banning the Christian Union, Oxford University's Balliol College is too clever by half
A serious university college should of all places be one of free thought, with grownups being allowed to choose, as I did, whether or not to engage with the CU and any other body.
What would a Christian version of Theresa May's 'British Dream' look like?
In her Conservative Party Conference speech, Prime Minister Theresa May made several references to the 'British Dream'.

Revelation 20: Who are the real millennials?
The Bible teaches that just as Christ ascended into heaven so he will return â not this time as a baby in a manger but as the King to judge the whole earth.

Nintendo Super NES Classic mini reviews: Fun-sized machine with authentic '90s Nintendo experience
The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) Classic is here, but is it worth the hype? Critics weigh in.

Why Artificial Intelligence can never be the way, the truth and the life
Whereas religious believers are often accused of taking 'leaps of faith' as if secular people were immune from them, the techno-utopianism of Silicon Valley reminds us that humans cannot escape their religious drive

Dear Archbishop Justin, please heal my heartbreak
You were asked a direct question, which was: 'Is gay sex sinful?' And your reply was: 'You know very well that is a question I can't give a straight answer to.

After the Las Vegas shootings, what is the point of prayer?
As people tweet out prayers for the victims of the Las Vegas shootings, just as they have in response to previous terrorist attacks, we're left wondering: is it worth praying?

Does religion 'work'? Why it's more than a psychological crutch
The view of religion as a flight from reality is popular among secular people. But is it also held by people within the church?

The real problem with #FakeNews isn't what you think
'Fake news' is big news. Stories are made up and shared online either for political purposes, financial gain (those clicks mean revenue, folks) or sheer mischief.

Tolerance online: those with diverging opinions need not apply
The online abuse directed at BBC's political editor Laura Kuenssberg provides evidence of a failing capacity in our culture to tolerate what we do not like, let alone love.

What's really wrong with David Meade's doomsday prediction
If the first thing people think of when they see a church is a delusional end-times prophet, we have a problem.

The shocking truth about Anglican evangelicals
If you follow some secular media coverage of the Church of England, you might well be under the impression that its evangelical wing contained many who are divisive, homophobic and relentlessly negative.