
Free speech on campus â so why not in church?
Some things become unsayable. Whether it's questions about sexuality, or doctrine, or church customs and traditions, or biblical interpretation: there are places we just don't go.

Revelation 21: Now for the good news
Sometimes we miss the sheer glory and beauty of the Gospel invitation, because we do not see, feel or long for the end result.

Church Clarity wants answers on homosexuality â but what if ambiguity's what we need?
'Church Clarity' is a divisive new database that's pressuring pastors to clearly declare their stance on homosexuality. Some are celebrating, others fear what's next. Christians should love the truth, but in an ever-polarised world - can't we learn from ambiguity too?

'Church Clarity' on sexuality â or church control?
In the complicated and often fractious world of Christian faith and sexual identity in the US, a new website has appeared that deeply concerns me as a gay, celibate Christian.

Reformation 500: With the 'fundamentalism, terror and religious violence' should we really celebrate?
My view is that we should certainly learn about it, and yes celebrate the good, whilst acknowledging the bad. But we need to be as careful of our own preconceptions and biases as we expect others to be of theirs.

Why does Mike Pence continue to serve a President who mocks his beliefs?
The revelation that President Donald Trump mocks the religious beliefs of his vice-president Mike Pence shouldn't really have surprised anyone.

Are the Family Research Council and the Values Voter Summit 'hate groups'?
The SPLC's decision to include conservative Christian groups on their list has undermined what could have been a powerful tool.

A dangerous Church? The elephant in the Balliol College Freshers' Fair
Oxford's Balliol College has retracted its Christian Union ban, but are we ignoring the real problem behind all this, asks David Robertson.

Being kind to older people is good, but neighbours can't give social care
Social care is more than befriending. It's more than keeping in touch and helping with shopping and building kind relationships.

The Balliol ban: Why, as a gay celibate Christian, it affects people like me
The bad faith and prejudice towards Christians that was expressed through this decision is the sign of a far more problematic culture at Oxford.

Does religion really do more harm than good?
Six out of 10 Britons think religion does more harm than good, a reflection of views long-held by the so-called new atheists.

What the Church can learn from Harvey Weinstein
The list of women claiming they were harassed and assaulted by film mogul Harvey Weinstein grows ever longer.