
Why are students at this Oxford college, a symbol of international Christian welcome, struggling to get UK visas?
Professor Sir Keith Burnett, Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Sheffield, on the lessons we can learn from St Edmund Campion at a time when language used in his era to describe the Irish sounds so much like the way antisemites have talked of Jews down the ages â and now sounds like the way some people talk about Muslims.

Love strengthened by faith helps us know there will be justice for Manchester
How do we respond to atrocities such as Manchester? Only love can win this battle.
Truth is not the only virtue in peril this election. Grace and justice are also at risk
If virtues are not constantly reinforced, vices will take over. And in the fervour of electioneering it seems to me that these three particular virtues are so threatened that their defence is essential.

After the bomb: Why this Manchester college is committed to living the Jesus way
This week the place where I live was violated. Children from our city and our region were cruelly killed and maimed.

Why most women are not happy with the status quo on abortion, and why this matters
Women want a better outcome for women than more abortions. It is inexcusable that the extension of women's rights has been indissolubly linked with the erosion of the right to life of our unborn children. This is not progress, freedom or equality â quite the opposite.

'In our grief, we call on God to strengthen us to resist evil.' The Bishop of Manchester on the suicide terror attack
Bishop of Manchester David Walker writes for Christian Today: 'Today is a desperately sad day. Manchester is famous for its music culture, and last night's attack is a direct assault on our desire to meet peacefully and enjoy seeing our favourite stars in person.'

How can Salvation can be relevant to the world of commercial real estate?
My Christian experience has been broad and positive but until recently I couldn't readily connect my day job with my faith. How was the message of salvation relevant to the world of commercial real estate?

Christian TV and the teaching that comes straight from Hell
The prosperity gospel and the Bible: There are quite a few warnings in the Bible about false teachers and prophets. According to Jesus, Paul and others, there will certainly be men and women who come like the proverbial wolves in woolly clothing, and disrupt the church with twisted versions of Christian truth.

Why we must challenge hatred and point the way to hope
Finally, as we challenge ideas and politics that are contrary to our faith â whether on the street protest or in an election â we need to do so in a way that shows we value the people holding those views and that we want to hear their concerns.

GAFCON's 'missionary bishop' â the spark to blow up Anglicanism?
Let's avoid silly Twitter tirades and pointless Facebook fisticuffs. We are followers of Jesus Christ.

There's a 'rape clause' in the tax credit system. Here's why it's wrong
At the beginning of April this year the UK Conservative government amended its tax credits policy by adding a two child limit for payments.

How the Bible helps us work for the Common Good
In a new resource from Bible Society and Together for The Common Good, we argue that the Bible has a unique ability to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to seek the welfare of everyone.