
Glimpses of how the world should be in the struggle against sexual harassment

Three years ago, when working for Tearfund, I interviewed women who had been raped during the violent conflict in Central African Republic. Their stories were searing, and their trauma clearly visible.

These breakaway Anglican ordinations are a wake-up call

On Thursday this week a potentially historic event will take place. Nine men will be ordained as Anglican ministers – but not in the Church of England.

Donald Trump and Britain First: 4 reasons he should apologise for those retweets

That mental watchdog that keeps most of us from giving voice to the random thoughts that drift over the surface of our minds spends most of its time, in Trump's case, asleep.

Wrestling Jacob: How a Genesis story speaks to Jews today

This is a seminal moment for the Jewish people. No longer will the Jewish people be known as 'Jacob' – meaning heel, outwitting, deceit. From now on, the Jewish people will be known as 'Israel'.

Tim Farron: Liberalism is eating itself, but Christianity can save it

The full text Tim Farron's speech at Theos' annual lecture

How should Christians pray for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

A royal wedding; how delightful. Who wouldn't wish Prince Harry and Meghan Markle well?

WWJD about 'Transgender'? A trans Christian responds

Transgender (or trans) is not a noun. Or a verb. It is an adjective which should be attached to a noun. Trans and non-binary people exist and we deserve respect and dignity as human beings and as children of God.

Zimbabwe's church played no role in kicking out Mugabe. That could spell trouble for the future

The ousting of Robert Mugabe has led to jubilation on the streets of Harare. But serious questions remain over the post-Mugabe future of Zimbabwe, particularly as the group which has so often fired the resistance to the ailing despot's regime has been effectively sidelined.

Is Donald Trump the Christian President?

I have militant atheist friends who delight in pointing me to President Trump's latest aberration before they gleefully point out he is 'my' President – ie the Christian President.

Red Wednesday: Shining a light on the UN's failure to protect persecuted Christians

The key impetus behind the initiative has been to challenge the the international community who so far have failed to help persecuted faith communities.

What would Jesus do about transgender?

I don't think he would issue minority reports, panic or despair. I don't think he would begin political campaigns. But neither do I think he would compromise at all on the truth of his word. Heaven and earth would pass away before that happens!

How the Bible story of Jacob's Ladder is relevant to us all today

As well as being of immediate physical significance, the site where Jacob will have his famous ladder dream is replete with psychological and spiritual significance.