
Revelation 18: Babylon's burning

Continuing the Revelation series from David Robertson.

New studies show the UK deeply divided. What can be done?

A new report says, 'Without deep-seated reform, social and economic divisions in British society are set to widen with consequences for community cohesion and economic prosperity.'

The real risk of the DUP deal - peace in Northern Ireland

The British Government has to be an honest broker in Northern Ireland. Can it command the full confidence of both communities?

Your family is in serious danger. What are you going to do about it?

That's a pretty arresting headline, right? Perhaps a tiny bit manipulative, but certainly difficult to ignore.

More sinner than sinned against? Tim Farron in the court of public opinion

In a post-Christian country which has a church attendance rate of around 10 per cent, it's clear that most people don't have a detailed concept of what 'sin' actually is. Yet it was Farron's belief (or not) that homosexuality was a 'sin', which brought down opprobrium on him.

Farron's fall – neither liberal nor democratic

After centuries of shaping politics and government, are Christian beliefs now unacceptable in public life?

What cancelling a John Hagee conference over terrorism fears says about Christian Zionism

It's a dangerous place, London. The air quality leaves a lot to be desired, there are parts where the crime rate is altogether too high, and there's the occasional murder or stabbing.

Is Justin Welby playing 'rock, paper, scissors' with church unity? Does he know that 'Rock' wins?

We have to be candid: unless something unexpected happens, the 'scissors' option will unfold in the Church of England, just as it has in north America, and ultimately globally. But in the church, it's 'rock' that always comes out on top

Why I'm a Christian voting Conservative tomorrow

Policy is where political and philosophical theory meet the reality of life lived. Where the rubber hits the road.

Dear America: A letter to the US about the London attack

First, thank you for caring about the latest terrorist attack in London. There's been a outpouring of love and support that's been really heartening, and we're grateful.

Political Correctness isn't to blame for the London attack – and neither is Theresa May

It would be easy to blame Saturday's London terror attack on Theresa May. Easy, but unfair, unhelpful and, ultimately, wrong.

Trump's copped out of Paris: so it's up to us to make the climate deal a success

Trump's imminent decision must propel us to further, collaborative action, not less. Now is the time to stand up, speak out and live differently to ensure we achieve climate justice.