
What does Roy Moore's defeat say to evangelicals?
In the normal way of things, an election for a random US Senate seat would be of very little interest in the UK.

Why it's time to put 'We Three Kings' (and some other carols) in the bin
What a load of nonsense is written in some Christmas carols.

Why Tim Farron's wrong: There are shared values and they matter
'Liberalism is eating itself.' With these widely reported and reviewed words a fallen Party leader â Tim Farron of the Liberal Democrats â has opened a debate over the future of faith and state in our post-Christian society.

What President Trump's Jerusalem proclamation means for Palestinians
Saying it is a united Jerusalem is a term with political implications, but on the ground it's hard to see Jerusalem declared as something it is not.

Why we should try Blue Planet living
What David Attenborough and the incredible team at the BBC have done for us is provide us with a vision of what our seas and oceans should be like.

Power, abuse and the sense of entitlement
The language of entitlement is, first and foremost, the language of the rich and powerful. They have succeeded, and promote their entitlement to the full spoils of their triumph.

Ecclesiastes 3: The times they are a'changing
This passage is an extraordinarily beautiful summary of the optimistic view of the Christian life.

Toxic Trump doesn't do true alliances, as Jews and one day evangelicals will find out
If you want a friend in Washington, said Harry S Truman, get a dog, and it's hard to imagine a time when this is truer than now, as an increasingly wild, flailing Donald Trump seeks to create chaos, smoke and mirrors to distract from the growing threats engulfing his presidency.

'Next year in Jerusalem': What this city means to the Jewish people
As we await an announcement by President Trump regarding his recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and of the Jewish people, let's consider the Jewish view of Jerusalem.
Bombshell from Rome: Yes, divorced and remarried people can take Communion
Pope Francis has acted to put an end to doubts about the interpretation of 'Amoris Laetitia', an exhortation he issued last year after two synods on the family. There has been dispute about whether Chapter VIII permitted the giving of communion to divorced and remarried Catholics providing certain conditions were met.

Masterpiece Cakeshop: Is it the wrong battle to fight?
A landmark case is before the US Supreme Court today. In fact these tend to come along fairly regularly, but this one actually deserves its appellation.

What should the Church do about transgender?
We need to challenge harmful ideologies which undermine the Word of God and by so doing attack the person of Christ and harm his creation.