
As Theresa May visits China, will she call on the regime to protect religious rights and stop persecuting Christians?

Prime Minister Theresa May's first official visit to China, which begins today, is billed as an opportunity to boost trade with an important ally. But it will also take place against the backdrop of the country's violations of fundamental human rights, including freedom of religion or belief.

Preach it! Could the Sermon of the Year competition revive this ancient art?

It would be wonderful if the growing success of Sermon of the Year helped restore the religious sermon to its central place in public life – and private – life.

Ecclesiastes 4: Oppression, envy and contentment

Jordan Peterson's bestselling 12 Rules for Life is an unusual self-help book. It talks about sin and the fact that life actually is suffering.

The only people shocked at the Presidents Club debacle are the ones who don't read their Bibles

I'm as revolted as anyone by the thought of so many rich men abusing women 'bought as bait', in Labour MP Jess Phillips' resounding phrase. But surprised? No.

John Piper says women shouldn't be seminary professors. Should we get angry?

It's easy to get angry with John Piper. The conservative pop-theology hero, whose 'Desiring God' brand is a flagship of reformed thought leadership, has a big platform for his views and isn't afraid to use it.

Why Christians should care about massive inequality – and what we should do

According to the charity, the 42 wealthiest people in the world hold the same amount of wealth as the 3.7 billion poorest

Slavery is nothing to joke about: How a t-shirt pushed bad taste too far

Would you buy a t-shirt for your three-year-old that says 'Slavery gets s**t done'?

Is Jordan Peterson the new Messiah?

Dr Peterson has gathered quite a following through his psychological analysis of narratives and myths – especially of the Bible.

Why a new minister for loneliness won't solve the problem

The appointment and publicity has all the appearance of a sticking plaster over a gaping wound: one that's been caused by the government itself.

Ecclesiastes 3: The naked ape and eternal life

The late Christopher Hitchins in his last book made one of the saddest statements I have ever heard: 'I don't have a body, I am a body.'

Bishop Peter Hancock: Why the Church insisted on transparency with the George Bell case

Rt Rev Peter Hancock, the Bishop of Bath and Wells and the Church of England's lead bishop on safeguarding, responds to an article by Dr Irene Lancaster on Christian Today.

Why ex-Muslims might not be the best guides to Islam

Pope Francis is under fire again, this time from Muslim converts to Catholicism who can't understand why he is, as they believe, soft on Islam.