Emotional women, rational men: why I'm coming out as binary
At the risk of being labelled a transphobic bigot, I might just revert to the Bible's crazy idea that there is such thing as male and female
Parents need to exercise their rights to challenge RSE lessons
Parents have a right under the new law to know what is being taught in RSE and to be consulted on it and they should use this to query the content and push back against anything they find objectionable.
Does the Hong Kong protest have a prayer?
If China lived by Romans 13, using the power of the state to punish evil-doers, perhaps there would be no such protests. The problem is who China defines as evil-doers.
How many more Lord Singhs will the BBC lose in the name of political correctness?
There are entire groups of people that institutions in this country are attempting to placate at every step of the way but Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, and believing Christians are not among them.
What is spiritual abuse?
Spiritual abuse needs to be defined, and defined well, so that people can be better protected within our faith communities.
Women, gender roles and the Church: what does the Bible have to say and why does it matter?
Can women and men both lead - or are they designed for different roles? This is the question that Katia Adams seeks to answer in Equal, her new book published by David C Cook.
How can we avoid becoming the Christian who loses faith?
Drifting from the faith is something that Christians of every generation have had to resist.
An astonishing courtroom hug and what it teaches us about radical forgiveness
Brandt Jean did the unthinkable and embraced the woman convicted of murdering his brother
For a dose of truth in our 'fake news' world, try good poetry
Poetry may make the reader work, but it's not without its rewards, spiritual and otherwise.
When Sundays stopped being sacred
It might be hard to believe now, in this day of 24/7 convenience shopping, but there used to be days that all the shops were closed.
A change of hands at the Evangelical Alliance 'for such a time as this'
Kay Morgan-Gurr on why she thinks Gavin Calver is the right man to lead the Evangelical Alliance.
Britain's 'favourite hymn'? I'm sorry, it's gibberish
You may have thought Britain was in trouble because of facts such as political deadlock over Brexit or the decline in church attendance.