The Church's enthusiasm to mentor new leaders often doesn't include the disabled
You don't have to be able to see and hear to serve, lead or teach.
Loss of religion is society's loss
It does not bode well for society that Christianity is losing it influence.
Can the Church give a meaningful answer to the spiritual questions of the digital age?
From social media, apps and online services, to robots, virtual home assistants and artificial intelligence, the digital era is rapidly changing the way we live - and even worship. But what is it doing to us as people? And what is the church saying about it - if anything?
Violence is being normalised in the name of anti-violence
The left wing position, in the West at least, seemed much more pacifist and anti-violence. Today it is groups like Antifa and some elements of Climate Extinction who are offering violence and destruction of property as the solution.
Should rich Christians like Kanye West give away all of their wealth?
Shaine Claiborne has asked whether Jesus is King of Kanye West's bank account. Is he right to ask this?
The best gift this Christmas can be a simple visit
People often shy away from visiting people with dementia because the normal ground rules don't apply, and they don't know how to communicate effectively.
Is the 'transgender bubble' about to burst?
Are we close to reaching 'peak transgender'? Is the once-seemingly inexorable march of contemporary transgender ideology about to be halted?
What should we make of Kanye West's conversion?
Every Christian and their dog apparently has an opinion about Kanye West, and it's been a bit depressing and somewhat amusing to see some of the discussion.
When God doesn't make sense
The tragic deaths of the A Rocha leaders in South Africa last week have reminded me of one of my most valued books. Written by Dr James Dobson, the title seems to say it all: "When God Doesn't Make Sense".
There's tribalism in politics and in the Church - and it isn't helping anyone
Exalting tribal loyalties so high, putting them almost on a level with God, is perhaps the single most corrupting force at work among Christians of our generation.
How the West was lost - and how it can be recovered
After years of economic uncertainty, a seemingly endless war on terror and moral decline, the West is in crisis. But the Church has a crucial role to play in its resurrection.
Mission agencies need to adapt to survive into the future
If British mission agencies are to remain relevant in the future, they will need to take their place within a growing multi-national mission movement which looks very different to the situation in which they were founded and developed.