Outgrowing Atheism: it's time for Richard Dawkins to grow up
Richard Dawkins has managed to produce a book on theology, history, philosophy, ethics and science that is even worse than his first.
What should bishops say in public?
I struggle to see how, without much mention of the name of Jesus, bishops can say they are "proclaiming the glorious gospel of Christ".
The sinister lunacy being promoted in schools by the BBC
It would be a joke if it wasn't for the fact that it has been produced by the BBC, which many schools would accept as an authoritative source.
Can you be a Christian and be competitive?
Christians are a bit squeamish about competition. There is a feeling that it might be ungodly. But have we been too quick to write it off?
The Brexit blame game: it won't get us anywhere
Blame leave. Blame remain. Blame Theresa May. Blame Boris Johnson. Blame Jeremy Corbyn. Blame the EU. Blame immigrants. None of this gets us anywhere.
Please, not the gay penguins again
In a million, trillion years, two female penguins will never produce a baby penguin. Count on it.
Boris in Brexitland: it's time for a lot more honesty
In the topsy-turvy world of Brexitland, we need honesty more than ever before.
The BBC and the Tower of Babel
The BBC are teaching queer theory as scientific fact when it isn't. They are dismantling the whole idea of truth. But it is also inhumane and harmful to children.
Five bad reasons to teach LGBT sex education and five things Christians can do to speak up
As parents, teachers and campaigners from both sides of the sex education debate seem to be shouting their case, it can feel a little like, "he who shouts loudest, wins". And currently, if you aren't a supporter of lessons incorporating LGBT themes, it can quite quickly feel as if your voice is being drowned out among the noise.
Northern Ireland, abortion and Brexit: the three words Christians need to remember
With Brexit looming and unpopular abortion regulations on the cusp of becoming law, David Smyth, public policy lead at the Evangelical Alliance Northern Ireland, speaks to Christian Today about how people in the province are feeling and what Christians need to keep in mind as they try to make sense of it all.
When we know God, we can't possibly stand on the side of abortion
Critics of abortion have tended to focus on the adult individuals involved, but it means that the culture in which this industrial-scale destruction of life occurs escapes criticism.
In the age of Brexit, we may be more radicalised than we think
People are being radicalised. I can't think of a more appropriate word for it. I know it conjures up connotations of terrorist grooming, but the methodology is very similar.