Farewell to the Frank Sinatra Parliament
Parliament prorogued, DUP intransigence, Labour infighting, Scottish Nationalist opportunism. Truly, this has been a House of Commons where everyone sought to 'do it their way' and we, the long-suffering British people, have paid the price.
In the midst of the Brexit mire, increasingly engaged young people are a source of hope
Not only are young people becoming more involved in politics and defining elections, but there are Christians pursuing God's Kingdom in the very heart of politics.
The status of women in Judaism: a clarification
There is a common line of thought in many Church circles that Jewish women were "nothing" in the time of Jesus. But this is inaccurate to say the least.
The Church needs to be ready to welcome in children living with disability
I see Christians talking about the sanctity of life who then go strangely quiet when it comes to the issue of disability and abortion.
In our secular post-Christian democracies, Christians need to remember their roots
Living in post-Christian democracies, and sometimes like Joseph or Daniel having to bear indirect responsibility for practices that contradict the aims of God's kingdom, demands frank and clear Christian prophecy.
Why we struggle to share our faith and what we can do about it
Tim Moyler knows how it feels to struggle when it comes to telling others about Jesus. That's why he's put together a programme for Agapé UK that will help more Christians share their faith with other people in a way that is natural and effective.
What Chick-Fil-A reveals about British intolerance and irrationality
The LGBT neo-Puritan militants cannot tolerate the idea that anyone anywhere might be enjoying something they do not approve of
Only God can save Western civilisation
The crisis of Western society, set out so clearly and terrifyingly by Douglas Murray in his recent books, is at root a metaphysical crisis stemming from the abandonment of God and, with it, all grounding in objective moral values.
A lesson for Brexit Britain from William Wilberforce
After depressing developments in the excruciating Brexit saga, I've found it helpful to return to the story of William Wilberforce.
Is your church too dependent on charitable status?
If your church model does depend (and I use that word advisedly) on charitable status, I'm going to suggest your church model is probably flawed.
There is big money to be made in the sale of Bible artefacts - and that's part of the problem
The problem with antique works of art and other objects is that the big money and the fame involved attract unsavoury elements.
In the midst of a funding crisis, special needs children are not to blame
Two recent articles in The Times have caused many parents a lot of hurt and upset - and that is putting it mildly.