Are we saving the earth for children or from them?
There are too many people. How to solve the problem? Kill off the children of the poor before they're even born.
The Golden Calf - what does it really mean?
The three major biblical commentators, spanning from 1040-1271, between them deal with a variety of possible interpretative options.
Brexit and a nation in turmoil: how will history judge the Church's response?
I don't think I'm alone in having become dissatisfied with the studied impartiality which my own Church of England has observed at an official level.
The law on assisted suicide should not be changed
Such a change in the law will put vulnerable people at risk of abuse and of coming under pressure to end their lives prematurely.
What can the Church do about Brexit?
Can the Church shed any light on the situation? I think we can. But we have to be careful. It is not the role of the Church to take sides on political issues.
Four decades introducing people to Jesus
Although I look back I'm still looking forward. My journey is not yet over and may God let it continue as long as it serves him.
It is not anti-Semitic to oppose a Holocaust memorial
I cannot discern widespread support within the Jewish community for this obtrusive construction. Instead, what I do find is very real concern about burgeoning anti-Semitism and at the same time a fear that our leaders will resort to nothing more than empty gestures that do little to make things better.
UK general election? If so, here's what the polls are telling us
Polls on voting intentions go back as far as the 1930s, but it is safe to say that such a car crash in support for both major parties has never been seen before. So we are in uncharted territory.
Proroguing Parliament crosses a line
My current 'Is it me?' moment is with the counter reaction to the shock of Boris Johnson proroguing Parliament, with some people acting like it's a perfectly normal, reasonable thing to do.
Nadia Bolz-Weber's call for Sexual Reformation: do we need to hear it?
The time is ripe for a strong woman with a backstory of personal pain to articulate something new and appealing. But, Scripture tells us to be discerning.
We must do more than pray for those in authority
The decision to use prorogation as a parliamentary tactic to avoid defeat carries all sorts of serious implications for the future.
Kim Kardashian teases new Christian album from Kanye West
Kim Kardashian teased a new Christian music album from her husband Kanye West on Instagram on Friday.