What a government sex scandal and a preaching ban tell us about modern Scotland
Scotland is a warning to the rest of the Western world of what happens when you jettison your Christian foundations and have nothing tried and tested to replace them with, except the woke theories from academics in Harvard, Edinburgh and Oxford.
Franklin Graham: My message is one of love, not hate
The evangelist tells Christian Today he's "surprised" by the level of opposition to his UK tour and explains why he's considering legal action against the venues that pulled out.
The implications of Brexit for the issues that concern Christians
Brexit has happened and the trade negotiations have begun. And just like everyone else, Christians are part of a nation that faces new opportunities as well as new challenges.
A friendly word to the Never Trumpers
President Trump's State of the Union message, coupled with the Democratic response, reminds me of why I voted for Trump in 2016. And why I plan to vote for him again in 2020.
Will Christians miss the BBC when it's gone?
Here are four reasons why Christians, and other people of faith, should stand alongside the BBC as it seeks to steer a positive course into the future.
Trump's impeachment and the dangers of making the evidence fit
There are parallels between the partisan Trump impeachment process and how some atheists approach the evidence for God.
Brexit is not a time for the UK to step back from the promotion and protection of freedom of religion or belief
The UK's international engagement is about to change. The Prime Minister and the government have an important and valuable opportunity to demonstrate that the UK will continue to stand up for and speak out on behalf of people of all faiths and none.
Bishop Graham's sexuality apology: a translation from liberalese
If you have heard or read Bishop Graham Usher's apology, you will be aware it is in liberalese, making it difficult to understand for those not familiar with this strange dialect. I offer here a loose translation.
Why the shock and outrage over the Super Bowl halftime show? The NFL has been doing this for years
Have we forgotten that almost every NFL team has cheerleaders â women dressed in the scantiest outfits, gyrating and shaking to the delight of the fans, especially the male fans?
Why the cancellation of Franklin Graham should concern us all
Now, you may or may not agree with Graham's politics. You may or may not agree with his religious views and the way he puts them across. But that he should be permitted to voice them was once a universally accepted basic right. Not any longer.
God is good for you: how faith and family boost educational achievement
An important new study from the US has shown that family and faith make the biggest difference to a person's success in education.
Dear Bishops, please stop traumatising your clergy
I am a church minister trying to exercise some form of pastoring and teaching among three congregations in the Church of England at a time when some of its leaders â some of our Bishops â seem to spend much of the time undermining each other and long-established church teaching.