
Jairus' daughter and the sick woman: What links these two stories?
There are many layers in these stories and they are very rich in meaning.

5 truths we need to remember daily so that we can stand against the enemy's schemes
Here are some truths that you need to remind yourself of so that when the devil comes and attacks you with his accusations and condemnations, he will not win.

5 Bible verses emphasising the need for us to bear fruit in keeping with repentance
The Bible tells us that our repentance should bear fruits.

Why honouring our parents is a must
The way we treat our parents ultimately reflects how we treat our heavenly Father.

How God's love empowers us to do what is right
God's love does not only free us from our slavery to wrongdoing, it also supplies us with the power to do what is right.

3 ways to encourage a discouraged pastor
No matter how godly, wise or anointed pastors may be, they are still human.

3 ways our glorious hope in Christ liberates us
We are assured that in Christ any fear can be overcome by His perfect love and that He will move even beyond our fears.

God finds pleasure in providing for you
In knowing God as our provider, we are exposed to this great balancing act of seeing the blessing we now have in Christ but also seeing His lordship over areas of our lives.

Should I really do all things for God?
How about when I do things that I could fail terribly at? Or how about when I eat or drink food that will just make me fat or sick?

Online shaming: a new way of justice or judgment?
It seems today that the online world has created a new way to serve justice to the unjust: online shaming.

Do I owe the church my service?
This might sound like a shock to you, but if you've been volunteering at your church because you feel like you owe your pastor or your church a big deal of thanks, then you've probably been volunteering for the wrong reasons.

The unspeakable joy of knowing Christ
God doesn't call us into a life filled with sorrow and grief, but one filled with joy.

How 'intentional' are you - with yourself and with God?
Taking time out to assess who you want to be can help you process what God is asking of you

How God's gift of a horse helped a Christian woman through the hardest year of her life
"There comes a crisis point where everything changes. To recover, my father had to go into care. It was a fork in the road."

3 ways that God prepares us for what's to come
We're not always aware of when God's doing something with the purpose of preparing us for what's to come so we can become frustrated, confused and even disheartened at the time. Identifying some of the ways that He prepare us can help us to be more alert to and appreciative about instances when He's at work in our lives.

Think positive: 5 Bible verses to help you say no to negative thoughts
We're used to maintaining a focus on the dangers posed from external harmful influences but we shouldn't neglect that we can poison our own minds with negative thoughts about ourselves. We can act as our own worst enemies by telling ourselves that we're not good enough, not wise enough, not loveable. These five Bible verses can help you to assert your power over pessimistic thinking.