
What Are the 8 Habits of Every Happy Couple?
What Are the 8 Habits of Every Happy Couple?

Great marriages are not a result of luck. Christian author Dave Willis says great marriages are the result of couples' choices, attitudes and habits.

Why Making A Habit Of Fasting Might Be The Best Decision You Make
Why Making A Habit Of Fasting Might Be The Best Decision You Make

One of the best decisions you will ever make in your walk with God is to build a regular habit of fasting.

\'Killer Clowns\' And Flesh-Eating Zombies: How To Talk To Your Kids About Hallowe\'en
'Killer Clowns' And Flesh-Eating Zombies: How To Talk To Your Kids About Hallowe'en

"Killer Clowns" and Hallowe'en monsters: what do I tell my kids?

The Unsatisfied Desire: 10 Bible Verses About Joy
The Unsatisfied Desire: 10 Bible Verses About Joy

Joy, as CS Lewis knew very well, is different from happiness or pleasure.

10 Books Every Church Preacher Should Read
10 Books Every Church Preacher Should Read

Krish Kandiah offers 10 books that will help you shape and rethink your preaching.

The Offensive Teaching Of Jesus That Christians Have Tried To Tone Down
The Offensive Teaching Of Jesus That Christians Have Tried To Tone Down

Claire Musters on the importance of repentance.

What David and Jesus Have in Common that Many Christians Don\'t Have — and Why It Matters
What David and Jesus Have in Common that Many Christians Don't Have — and Why It Matters

David and Jesus, also called the Son of David, had many things in common. Sadly, they both possess a common quality that many Christians don't have.

3 Ways to Enjoy Bad Moments in Life
3 Ways to Enjoy Bad Moments in Life

Bad moments sure are unpleasant, but if we have the right mind, the right perspective, and the right heart, we can enjoy them.

Why We Must Give Our Lives For the Purposes of God
Why We Must Give Our Lives For the Purposes of God

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all."

Why We Must Put No Confidence in the Flesh
Why We Must Put No Confidence in the Flesh

Putting confidence in the flesh is a no-no for all Christians who have professed their faith in Christ.

What Submission to Authority Is – and What It\'s Not
What Submission to Authority Is – and What It's Not

While submission to authority is pleasing to God, there are some who blindly submit to ungodly authorities to His dismay.

3 Things You Shouldn\'t Expect the Church to Do for You
3 Things You Shouldn't Expect the Church to Do for You

Expecting too much from your church, no matter how kind and loving the people in it may be, will bring about disappointments.

Do You Really Want A Pure Heart? Here\'s What It Will Take
Do You Really Want A Pure Heart? Here's What It Will Take

The Greek word used for "pure" in Matthew 5:8 is the word katharos, which means to be "clean, blameless, unstained from guilt." As much as that sounds nice, it sounds nothing like the human heart.

Why Couldn\'t Jesus Have Come To This Earth Sooner?
Why Couldn't Jesus Have Come To This Earth Sooner?

Given all the problems still in the world, we might be tempted to think that things would have been better by now if Jesus had shown up earlier - maybe in the time of Moses, the time Babylon invaded the people of God, the time before the Great Flood, or even when the earth was formed!

6 Beautiful Bible Verses For New Or Expecting Moms
6 Beautiful Bible Verses For New Or Expecting Moms

Here are six scriptures for new and expecting mothers to meditate on to grow in the realization of the blessing that is children and the plans the Lord has for them.

Why Was Moses\' Burning Bush Not Consumed?
Why Was Moses' Burning Bush Not Consumed?

The "angel of the Lord" appeared to Moses "in flames of fire from within a bush" while he was tending his father-in-law's flocks.