
3 Ways We\'re Getting Distracted From Spreading the Gospel
3 Ways We're Getting Distracted From Spreading the Gospel

The Christian life isn't one that's centred on a person's desires, skills, or ambition. It's a life centred in Christ Jesus. As such, growing in His likeness and obeying His commands is what His followers prioritise.

US Election: Take Heart Voters, Jesus Has MUCH Bigger Plans Than Political Change
US Election: Take Heart Voters, Jesus Has MUCH Bigger Plans Than Political Change

It's difficult to face the prospect of someone we oppose on biblical grounds coming to power, but the Bible has something incredibly reassuring to say to all those troubled by this year's US presidential election.

4 Faith-Building Promises For When You Hit Rock Bottom
4 Faith-Building Promises For When You Hit Rock Bottom

Have you ever felt like you've hit rock bottom - bankruptcy, ministry failure, career confusion, relational dysfunction? Here are four faith building promises to claim when you feel like you've hit rock bottom.

When We Reject Jesus: What We Can Learn From Peter\'s Biggest Failure
When We Reject Jesus: What We Can Learn From Peter's Biggest Failure

Rejecting Jesus is not something we can be proud of, yet at times it's exactly what we do. It's something that reduced the tough, courageous disciple Peter to tears. But thankfully, there's a lot we can learn from how he picked himself back up after this failure.

Out Of The Darkness: How God Transformed A Violent Criminal
Out Of The Darkness: How God Transformed A Violent Criminal

Tony Gielty was one of Scotland's hardest criminals. Deeply immersed in gang culture, he was a man who thrived on violence.

Do You Have a Hard Time Finding Real Community in Your Church? Here\'s Something For You
Do You Have a Hard Time Finding Real Community in Your Church? Here's Something For You

Jesus said 'those the Father has given me will come to me, and I will never reject them.' (John 6:37)

Want to Follow Jesus? Here\'s The One Thing That Will Hinder You
Want to Follow Jesus? Here's The One Thing That Will Hinder You

If we want to follow Christ we have to consider the cost.

3 Things Jesus\' Death Teaches Us About Humanity
3 Things Jesus' Death Teaches Us About Humanity

David Baker continues his series on the Gospel of Mark. This week, he looks at Jesus' death, and why it was a 'ransom'.

Does Doing Good Increase Our Chances of Getting Into Heaven?
Does Doing Good Increase Our Chances of Getting Into Heaven?

Think about it: the gateway is very narrow, the road is difficult, and not many find it. How then are we ever going to enter it?

10 Simple Bible Verses To Memorise
10 Simple Bible Verses To Memorise

Memorising Scripture is a valuable tool for our walk with God.

Rick Warren: How To Respond When Someone Hurts You
Rick Warren: How To Respond When Someone Hurts You

Christians must learn to control their anger by giving it over to God, Rick Warren says.

Why Practising Christian Mindfulness Doesn\'t Mean Turning Buddhist
Why Practising Christian Mindfulness Doesn't Mean Turning Buddhist

Christians can practise the simple exercises of sense awareness taught in mindfulness as a preparation for turning to their heavenly Father.

Can Non-Christians Have a Relationship with God the Father?
Can Non-Christians Have a Relationship with God the Father?

Unless we come to God through Christ, we're simply outsiders. If we don't believe in Christ and make Him both Saviour and Lord of our lives, we're unsaved, condemned men who will never be allowed entry into the Kingdom, and a loving relationship with God.

Unsure of Your Calling in the Lord? Here\'s Something For You
Unsure of Your Calling in the Lord? Here's Something For You

We must live a life worthy of the calling we have received through Christ: the call to be a child of the eternal God.

Why It\'s Important to Be Part of a Community of Faith
Why It's Important to Be Part of a Community of Faith

We can't afford to stay away from people who love Christ Jesus.

Will the New Earth Have a Sun and Moon?
Will the New Earth Have a Sun and Moon?

People who think the New Earth won't have a sun and moon generally refer to three passages but the interpretation's not quite right.