
How Jesus Undermined The Law For The Sake Of The Gospel
How Jesus Undermined The Law For The Sake Of The Gospel

When people met Jesus, what he said and did made them think in completely new ways.

Have You Really Decided to Follow Jesus?
Have You Really Decided to Follow Jesus?

Following Christ begins with being saved, but it doesn't end there.

Why Christians Need To Stop Boasting
Why Christians Need To Stop Boasting

Some of the worst braggers are 'high-profile' Christians, says Jo Swinney. She has three theories as to why.

How Should Christians Talk to Atheists? Here are Some Handy Tips
How Should Christians Talk to Atheists? Here are Some Handy Tips

Christians and atheists don't see eye to eye, and have often engaged in debates regarding their faith - or lack of it. But despite these differences, Christians should still set a Christ-like example and look at their atheist brothers and sisters with understanding and compassion.

Why Married Christian Couples Don\'t Need More Marriage Advice
Why Married Christian Couples Don't Need More Marriage Advice

There seems to be no shortage of advice that couples can get. There's always another best practice to finance, intimacy, parenting, schedules, work and so on. But no matter how much advice we get, marriage advice will not necessarily give you a better marriage.

Could Temptation Actually Be GOOD For The Soul?
Could Temptation Actually Be GOOD For The Soul?

Is temptation an enemy? Not always, says author and pastor Tim Chaddick: it can also be our friend.

How Servant-Hearted Are You?
How Servant-Hearted Are You?

Why bacon sandwiches remind me of a vital spiritual truth

24/7 Prayer Founder: Don\'t Just Pray, Do Something
24/7 Prayer Founder: Don't Just Pray, Do Something

Speaking at the Books for Life Live event at Trinity Church in Cheltenham, Pete Grieg said: "At every level, prayer and social engagement belong together. Jesus sets no other precedent."

Wonder Why Christianity Could Never Mix With Other Faiths? Here Are 3 Reasons
Wonder Why Christianity Could Never Mix With Other Faiths? Here Are 3 Reasons

Many of our brothers and sisters hope that someday, we could be united with other peoples. While that's a noble dream, it is one that cannot become a total reality.

Here\'s One Thing that Will Drain Your Happiness – and Your Wallet
Here's One Thing that Will Drain Your Happiness – and Your Wallet

Nothing robs us of our joy better than envy or covetousness.

Is it Possible to Share Jesus Without Being Rejected?
Is it Possible to Share Jesus Without Being Rejected?

Even if we feel rejected by thousands of people who have heard us lovingly, passionately, and sincerely spoken the truth of God's great love in Christ, we must never stop.

When You Don\'t Think You Can Go On: 10 Bible Verses About Patience
When You Don't Think You Can Go On: 10 Bible Verses About Patience

Patience is an under-rated virtue, but it's at the core of all great achievements.

Failure Will Happen But Scripture Offers Powerful Words To Help You Move On To Success
Failure Will Happen But Scripture Offers Powerful Words To Help You Move On To Success

For all people from different walks of life, the same is always true when it comes to failure: It will happen. There is not one person on earth that has not experienced the sting of failure.

Godly Pessimism: How You Can Accept Harsh Reality Without Losing Hope
Godly Pessimism: How You Can Accept Harsh Reality Without Losing Hope

What does God and the Bible have to say about having an optimistic or pessimistic perspective?

5 Ways To Know If A Job Is God\'s Will
5 Ways To Know If A Job Is God's Will

How do we know whether a career path is God's will for us or not? Here are five signs that a certain job is really what God is calling us into.

I\'ve Prayed And Prayed For A Spouse And I\'m Still Single: Now What?
I've Prayed And Prayed For A Spouse And I'm Still Single: Now What?

Marriage is a desire that God puts in many hearts and it could be in yours, but maybe despite that strong desire you still haven't found the person that you will be spending the rest of your life with.