
6 Bible Scriptures To Help Keep Laziness At Bay
The Bible speaks strongly about laziness and urges us not to walk in it. God designed all people to work and to work well, yet laziness can still come to us, even if we don't want it to.

Why We Can Believe There's More Than Just a 'Light at the End of the Tunnel'
Why settle for a good ending when you can actually enjoy the ride while going there?

How God Uses Bad Leaders to Refine Us
In a nutshell, God uses bad leaders to show us that He is the only one we must follow and obey.

3 Ways Good Times Dull Our Discernment
Friends, don't forbid yourselves from enjoying all that God has given you. Just don't forget that bad times refine us and grows our discernment.

Why Our Silence Against Wrongdoing is Wrong
We are called by God to speak up against injustice and oppression, and choosing to be silent when we should talk against it is just plain wrong.

3 Ways We Use God's Name in Vain
God treasures His holy name so much, He commands all of His people never to take it in vain.

How a Godly Wife Helps Her Husband Come to Jesus
A godly wife is truly a great gift from the Lord.

3 Sins Rooted In Boredom That We Need To Be On Our Guard Against
There is nothing wrong with getting bored quickly, but it does set us up easily for other downfalls. Here are three sins that we easily mistake as boredom, but are a whole new thing altogether.

6 Lies That Could Be Robbing You Of Your Joy Today
There is an enemy out there that wants to steal your joy. We will always have some reason to not be joyful. But in all of this, we must always strive for joy as Jesus did.

Fasting, Memorizing Scripture and Other Spiritual Disciplines You Should Probably Be Doing More As A Christian
Here are four disciplines that we should start doing more as we progress in our walk with God to develop more spiritually.

Why Being Spirit-Empowered At Home Matters More Than You Think
Thinking about the empowering of the Holy Spirit often correlates to having the energy and boldness to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons or even excel in our careers. But have we ever thought about God's presence and touch empowering us at home?

How To Stop Wasting Your Valuable God-Given Time Today
Most, if not all of the enemies to better time management come back to ourselves.

Two Ways We Get The Grace Of God Wrong And Why It Matters
I once had this profound thought about the grace of God while thinking about airplanes that taught me about how we can sometimes get God's grace the wrong way.

Deliverance: 10 Bible Verses For When We Need God To Intervene
Sometimes God helps us by miraculously intervening and taking us out of harm's way. Sometimes he gives us the strength to cope with what we need to face.

Going for GOD: Why Struggling Isn't Always A Bad Thing
Struggles are tough, but they are made so much tougher when we take our eyes off the prize.

3 Keys To Living Like One Of The Giants Of The Faith
Some people recorded in the Bible lived an extraordinary life marked by extraordinary faith. But even though they were extraordinary in many ways, they were still extraordinarily human and we can be like them.