
The Bible's Most Despised Group? What We Can Learn From Jesus' Dealings With The Samaritans
We can see the shocking way in which Jesus chooses to address Samaritans, not just in the parable of the Good Samaritan, but in His actual interactions with Samaritans as well.

What Does It Take To Be A Good Steward In The Eyes of God?
God calls us to be good stewards not because He wants to burden us but because our life literally depends on it. How you manage your resources will heavily determine the quality of your whole life.

The One Scripture That Will Change The Way You Set Goals
Setting goals is always helpful and at many times crucial to seeing God's best come to pass in our life, but for most of us, it doesn't come naturally.

Burn-Out On Can Happen On The Way Up But It Can Also Happen When You Get There: Here's How You Can Prevent It
God's rest is also available to anyone and everyone who calls upon His name and we are to seek His rest as much as we seek His success.

Why Is Worrying A Sin?
We can often view anxiety as harmless, or worse even helpful. In its purest and most honest form, we are to take worry for what it really is - a deadly sin. But why is worry a sin?

3 Ways Your Testimony Will Help Someone Else
Our testimonies of how Christ saved us is very powerful. When we share them, we actually do more than what we know.

3 Ways to Build a Good Name for God's Glory
Proverbs 22:1 tells us, "A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favour rather than silver and gold."

The Urgent Need to Build Yourself Up in the Faith
There is an urgent need for all faithful to build themselves up stronger in the faith. This pressing need is one that was told to us several times by God, who knows all things, in His Word. We will do well to heed His instruction.

3 Small Mindset Changes That Will Get You Out Of Any Trap
Here are some small mindset adjustments you can make today that will get you unstuck and moving once more in the straight paths of God.

Why Striving for Earthly Riches Makes No Sense
Doing our best to pursue God above all and through all that we do is what makes sense.

The Only Thing You Need to Discover Yourself
The Bible is the only thing we need to accurately and honestly discover ourselves.

Facing a New Season in Life? Here are 3 Bible Verses to Encourage You
All of us face new seasons over time, and it would be good to prepare for all of them.

Can We Persuade God To Change His Mind?
A good way of reading any Bible story is to ask ourselves how we fit into it.

How Radical Generosity Could Revolutionise Your Relationships
This week, Claire Musters reflects on generosity.

Christians Are Called To Speak Up For Righteousness â Here Are 3 Ways To Do It
Let Christ's love fuel you to stand and speak up for what God wants to be done.

Being Bitter Gets Worse Over Time â Here's How You Can End It
Do you have any amount of bitterness taking root in your heart? Great news is that you can still uproot it with God's help