
3 Things Christians Should Avoid in Order to Live for God's Glory
All who are in Christ know that there's only one reason to live, and that is for the glory of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

Why Church Could Make You Healthier, Happier, And More Hopeful
A recent Harvard study suggests that church attendance makes you healthier, happier, and more helpful. Why is that?

Why Good, Good Father Has Connected With A Whole Generation
Now and then, a worship song comes along which for a while seems to transcend all others.

Meekness Is Not Weakness: Being Strong In Your Gentleness
Meekness is not weakness. We've all probably heard that before, but how is meekness strength?

Why Discipleship Is Something Every Christian Can Be Involved In
Discipleship is most often seen as a job for vocational ministers and people with the freedom of time to do it. In its full essence though, discipleship is something that everyone is called into.

Why Taking Care of Our Bodies Is a Form of Worship to God
A heart aligned to God's will cause us to value health more than food and vanity because when we value the things of God, we show Him how much we value Him as well. And that's what we call worship.

Should I Respect My Husband Even If He Does Things That Are Questionable?
The question seems to pop up quite often: "Should I really respect and submit to my husband all the time? What if my husband is someone who doesn't deserve respect?"

7 Bible Verses to Help You Find Direction Again When You've Gone Off Track
Here are seven Bible scriptures that assure and help you in finding God's direction and will once more if you've lost your way.

5 Ways We Can Get Prayer Wrong - And How We Can Get It Right
Here are five ways that we can complicate prayer and how to bring it back to its original simplicity.

5 Unhealthy Mindsets That Inhibit Your Spiritual Growth
Just like natural growth, spiritual growth can be stunted by wrong mindsets that hold us back from experiencing more of Christ. Here are five unhealthy mindsets that inhibit spiritual growth.

Want to Get Through the Day Without Feeling Fried? Then You'll Need This
We look at overwhelming situations and feel that we're out of ammunition and out of options. But we're not. We always have the option of the grace of God.

Child of God and Worker in the Vineyard: Why Both Are Essential to Your Identity in Christ
The revelation of us being children makes us look to God as the Father, openly receiving His abundant blessing. The revelation of us being workers causes us to be grateful for the wages we receive regardless of the size because we deserved nothing from God.

How to Worship God on Bad Days Just as Well as You Would on Good Days
On good days, we are to praise and worship the Lord. On bad days, do it all the more.

6 Things to Avoid Doing When Ministering to Hurting People
Here are six ways that we do that and really six things we should avoid doing when ministering to hurt people.

God's Armour: Why We Must Wear the Gospel as Our Shoes
The gospel is our secure footing, but we are the ones who will wear it, tie it in place, and use it to our good.

Scared to Admit Something You're Ashamed of to Someone You Love? Here's What You Should Do
The longer we deliberately hide the necessary truth from our loved ones who need to know, the longer we prolong our own guilt and add more weight to the hurt they will feel.