
10 Interesting Facts About the Effect Sleep Has on Your Body
Everybody needs sleep. Ideally, people need seven to nine hours of sleep a day to avoid depression, behavioural disorders, obesity, and other diseases such as diabetes.

How Much Sugar Is Too Much? Experts Reveal How Much Sugar You Can Eat in One Go Before It Kills You
With the holidays' sweets coming in, health experts are concerned that people might jack up on their sugar consumption, thus unwittingly damaging their health.

Which Is Better: Regular Milk or Soya Milk? Health Experts Weigh in â and Their Verdicts Are Surprising
Back in the day, when people go to the grocery to buy milk, they don't think twice about buying cow's milk. But because society has grown more health-conscious, there are now several other options to cow's milk - almond, soya, hemp, rice, and oak, to name a few.

Why Does Being A Christian Mean We Have To Take Up A Cross?
Of course it's a given that our salvation is by grace through faith in His finished work alone, but why do we have to take up our cross?

Would Jesus Have A Facebook Page? A Guide To Christ-Like Engagement With Social Media
If Jesus were alive today, He'd probably be into social media too but it's likely He would be measured in how He used it. So, how would Jesus conduct Himself if He had his own Facebook page?

4 Encouraging Truths For Couples On The Brink of Divorce
Dealing with a maimed marriage is no easy task, but it's not impossible to recover. Here are four truths for couples who might be on the brink of divorce today.

What Trekking In Tanzania Taught Me About Dependence On God
In the turning of everyday life and online grocery shopping it is easy to forget that all good and perfect things come from God, says Rachel Holmes.

What To Do When God Asks You To Wait
It may be natural to want to reach the end goal that we think God is calling us to, but we need to learn not to despise our current situation, says Claire Musters.

3 Ways to Identify Unholy Alliances and Break Free from Them
Unholy alliances are alliances, connections, or relationships with others that are unacceptable to God and dangerous for us. Such connections might appear beneficial or even godly, but in truth are connections that should be ended and avoided.

3 Attitudes That Will Hinder Your Growth in God
Do you want to grow in God? Here are three attitudes that will be harmful to your growth.

3 Ways to Grow in Your Dependence on God
As Christians receiving our salvation by grace through faith alone, we must realise that we should grow in our dependence in the Lord.

Why Val Kilmer's Faith Probably Won't Help Him If He Has Oral Cancer
Val Kilmer was wrongly "outed" as suffering from oral cancer by fellow actor Michael Douglas, who suffered from the disease himself.

How Being Open to Your Spouse Helps You
In the same way the closest and best friendships are made, the most intimate of marriages are made by open and honest individuals eager to love each other the more they know about one another.

Here's How You Can Be a New Wineskin for God's Purposes
If we want to be a new wineskin for God's new wine, we need to cast off the old and embrace what God has in store for the future.

Here's How Christians Should Handle Competition in the Workplace
Christians who see competition in their workplace should learn how to handle it well so that it could be a blessing for them, their co-workers, and superiors.

10 Tips on How Husbands and Wives Can Show Godly Respect to Each Other
A marriage without respect cannot be expected to thrive. Hence, it's important for spouses to make sure they maintain love and respect in their union.