
Why Poverty Is a Heart Issue, Not a Wallet Issue
Why Poverty Is a Heart Issue, Not a Wallet Issue

Poverty is not determined by your net worth, but by your heart's content. That's why gaining more money is not always necessarily the alternative to poverty.

What Is the Significance of Jesus Being Fully Man?
What Is the Significance of Jesus Being Fully Man?

It's hard to understand the implications of Jesus being human, but it's important for us. Here are three implications of Jesus being man that significantly affect how we live today.

5 Ways to Be a Husband Who Gives His Wife Hope
5 Ways to Be a Husband Who Gives His Wife Hope

God has more than enough hope to offer us that we can share it with one another. Here are five ways to share hope with your spouse today.

3 Ways Christian Parents Can Engage Their Kids
3 Ways Christian Parents Can Engage Their Kids

Many kids refuse to open up to their parents because they feel there's a wall between them. As parents, we can break down that wall by engaging our kids in their world.

3 Things Every Christian Should Know About Job 1:21
3 Things Every Christian Should Know About Job 1:21

"I came naked from my mother's womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!" - Job 1:21

Why We Shouldn\'t Mourn for Something God Took Away from Us
Why We Shouldn't Mourn for Something God Took Away from Us

When God takes something away from us, it isn't a loss for us. It's actually our gain.

How Knowing God Makes Us Hopeful in Times of Loss
How Knowing God Makes Us Hopeful in Times of Loss

When God allows some loss in our lives, it's actually for our gain.

6 Signs That You\'re Too Attached to the Approval of Man
6 Signs That You're Too Attached to the Approval of Man

Here are six signs that you're still attached to the approval of men.

Why the Gospel Doesn\'t Call Us to Earn God\'s Grace
Why the Gospel Doesn't Call Us to Earn God's Grace

Faith does not result from good works, but it does lead to it.

The One Time That God Allows Us to be Fearful
The One Time That God Allows Us to be Fearful

There are over 300 references in God's Word about having the fear of God. What is the fear of God and how is it any different from any other fear?

Putting on the Armour of Gratitude
Putting on the Armour of Gratitude

What we need is more than just an obligation to put on armour but an urgency built by being thankful that God has given us this armour by His grace.

3 Plans God Has for Your Burdens
3 Plans God Has for Your Burdens

God has plans to sustain you, and He also has plans for your burdens as well. Here are three things God has lined up for those burdens that you face today.

One Key to Successfully Forgive
One Key to Successfully Forgive

If we say we've forgiven, there should be no trace of a desire for revenge anymore. It's not easy to get to this point, but we have to because forgiveness should be complete.

How Should Christians Treat LGBT People?
How Should Christians Treat LGBT People?

Let's all boldly share the gospel so that our gay friends can be saved.

Don\'t Treat Your Spouse Like God – Here\'s How We Usually Do It
Don't Treat Your Spouse Like God – Here's How We Usually Do It

We shouldn't treat our spouses like they're God. Husbands shouldn't treat their wives better than they do God. Wives shouldn't treat husbands that way, either.

Was Job A Real Person, And Does It Matter?
Was Job A Real Person, And Does It Matter?

The book of Job is one of the most profound and moving in the Old Testament, speaking to the deep things of life and faith with its exploration of suffering and its soaring poetry.