
What to Do When You Lose the Excitement of Serving
Here are four things you can do if you have lost that passion and excitement to serve God and others.

3 Reasons Why It's Always Best to Wait for the Right Time Before You Awaken Love
God knows the importance of waiting for the right person and marriage before engaging in physically intimate behavior, and commands all singles to wait.

'Why Didn't You Tell Me That?' 3 Reasons Why Christians Should Be Unashamed to Speak the Truth About Sin and Hell
Three reasons why Christians should be unashamed to preach the gospel of Christ to all men.

5 Ways Christians Should Respond to Donald Trump's Victory
Regardless of the winner, we are expected to show Christ-likeness anyway.

Overwhelm Yourself With God's Love: 3 Ways How You Can Do It
If you feel like His love for you isn't enough, or you just want to more, here are some ways for you to overwhelm yourself with His love.

Are You A People-Pleaser Or A God-Pleaser?
Sarah Abell offers five ways to make sure your focus is on God.

Have You Got 20/20 Spiritual Vision?
While Jesus' friends had clouded spiritual vision, a physically blind man, by contrast, had perfect sight when it came to matters of faith.

Why My Marriage Comes First Before Anything Else
God created man and woman with the purpose of uniting them to pursue Him.

3 Things Godly Husbands Should Desire
The greatest pursuit a husband could ever have is to follow God. Let's desire Him more than any other thing in this world.

3 Things That Build a Compelling Vision for Your Life
Unless there is a powerful vision that drives us, we will always lose track of where we want to go and, consequently, our way of getting there.

5 Ways to Honour God With Your Work
When done excellently, with the right heart and with the motive of bringing value to others, we will consequently bring God the highest praise in the workplace no matter what vocation you might be in. Here are five ways that we can honour God with our work.

4 Reasons Accountability Matters to Husbands and Wives
When we build accountability with other fellow believers and with our spouses, it brings about four things that strengthen trust: transparency, humility, collaboration and authenticity. Here are how these four things bring value to our marriage.

Why Does God Bless Some People More Than Others?
In God's lavish goodness, He still gives us His blessings. Others might receive more while some others receive less. But that's not the point. A true heart aligned with God's will seek His kingdom, not the things added unto us.

Why Read? This Might Be The Best Answer You'll Ever Hear
"I read because I long to hear the words of God rolling around my mind when I go to bed at night."

4 Acceptable Reasons to Limit a Relationship
Whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship or working relationship, you are not indebted to it.

How to Hear the Voice of God in a Noisy and Fast-Paced World
Sometimes we find God in the same way the prophet Elijah found Him â a small voice through the fire and winds. But through the noise we knew it was God's voice, but we just can't make enough out of it.