
3 Wrong Attitudes in Handling the Word of God
Although the Word of God is holy and true, there are some wrong attitudes that can cause one to either use it wrongly, live a mediocre and unfruitful life, and even turn away from God.

3 Reasons Why We Should Never Give Up on the Fight of Faith
"Backsliding," or returning to one's former life prior to salvation, should never be an option to any Christian who has genuinely trusted in Christ for salvation. Here are some reasons why.

3 Reasons Why Looking Back to Past Success Is Dangerous
While it's good to learn from past success, looking back to them might cause us to compare our present achievements. We must learn to move from success to success.

Why God Doesn't Necessarily Want You 'Pursuing Your Dreams'
While at some point, we all should pursue dreams and passions, just like anything there are thresholds that can be crossed and we can take this wonderful advice in a terribly twisted context.

Is It Wise to Date a Non-Christian? Find Out What the Bible Says
Love comes in the most unexpected places, but Christian singles have often been advised not to date non-believers because their faith might be compromised in the long run.

Have a Round Middle? How to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat
It might seem like a huge undertaking to get rid of stubborn belly fat, but the truth is, a little effort goes a long way in getting a slimmer middle.

Considering Retirement? Do These 5 Things First
Retirement can be a wonderful thing to look forward to, especially if people have carefully planned their careers and finances beforehand.

Real Leaders Sacrifice Before They Benefit
Leadership roles can be rewarding, but unless leaders look first to serving before receiving various rewards they will miss the point.

4 Questions to Ask When Managing Finances
One of the best ways to gauge our view of money to see whether we have a right perspective of it is to ask the right questions. Here are four questions to ask to measure our heart as we manage our finances.

6 Signs That We Are Ruled By a Prosperity Gospel
We are to keep watch for the danger that is prosperity gospel. Here are six outwards signs that we may be ruled by a prosperity teaching.

What Is A Story About Rape And Murder Doing In The Bible?
The Bible has some sad stories in it as well as some wonderful ones. There are some that are so dreadful that you wonder what they are doing in there at all.

Black Friday 2016 store hours list: Best Buy, GameStop, Target, Walmart opening hours here
Thanksgiving is one of the most anticipated national holidays both in the United States and Canada, but the following day is something that millions of Americans wait for all year, and it's called Black Friday. The tradition has been practiced since the early 1930s and many look at it as the start of the Christmas shopping season. During Black Friday, the biggest retailers including the likes of Target, Walmart, and Best Buy offer huge discounts on a wide array of products.

Don't Panic, The Supermoon Doesn't Signal The End Of The World
Today will see a 'supermoon' rise, when the moon will appear 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than usual.

5 Signs That You Have a Healthy Relationship
Here are five signs that your romantic relationship â whether in the early stages of courtship or in the late stages of marriage â is a healthy one.

Thanksgiving: The Power of Gratitude Over Your Heart
Discontentment has a powerful effect over our hearts. But the good news is so does gratitude.

Do Your Words Encourage or Discourage Growth?
When the intention is never growth, it doesn't matter what kinds of words are spoken. People will not grow.