Ecclesiastes 6: Out of the shadows, into the life
In this week's Ecclesiastes passage Solomon reflects further on what we can see, taste and feel all around us every day
Pope Francis could visit Pakistan after meeting with Catholic bishops
Pope Francis could visit Pakistan after hosting the country's Catholic bishops in the Vatican on Thursday.
BBC to celebrate Easter as 'most significant and holiest of times' with boosted coverage
The BBC will celebrate Easter this year with host of new religious programming 'to mark the most significant and holiest of times in the Christian calendar', it announced today.
Refugees stream out of eastern Ghouta as Syrian army closes in
Thousands of Syrians fled a rebel pocket in eastern Ghouta on Thursday and crossed by foot to army positions as troops seized more ground in the opposition stronghold.
Angels unawares: How should we welcome visitors to church?
Some churches go the whole hog, with greeters, information desks, cards in the pews and follow-up visits. Others go to the other extreme, conveying an atmosphere like the lonely pub in An American Werewolf in London, where every eye swivels toward the hapless visitor/victim.
'Stand up if you're new': How welcoming is your church?
Most churches today hope to be a place of welcome, but are they? A recent study of US protestant churches by LifeWay Research surveyed 1,000 congregations on how they greet their guests.
Stephen Hawking believed we don't need God to account for the universe. Was he right?
Stephen Hawking is widely spoken of as a genius. He was also lots of fun, with cameo appearances in popular comedies like 'The Big Bang Theory'.
10 happiest countries in the world are among the least religious
The world's happiest countries are also among the least religious, according to a new UN report out today.
YouTube limits part-time contractors' review hours for disturbing content; plans to hire 10,000 more contractors
Concerns have been raised regarding the well-being of contractors hired to identify disturbing content.
Galaxy S9 Plus VS. Pixel 2 XL camera wars: Which camera performs better overall?
Is there really any way to objectively measure which camera is better between the Samsung and Google flagship phones?
Northern Ireland pastor reports 'extreme' threats after church showed 'gay cure' film
The pastor of a Northern-Ireland church says the community has received violent threats after its screening of a controversial 'gay cure' documentary.
Russian Orthodox Church insists it is not backing Putin in election
The Russian Orthodox Church has insisted it will not back Vladimir Putin in upcoming presidential elections on Sunday.
Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus specs, design rumors: iFixit gives phone 4 out of 10 repairability score, showcases how dual apertures work
The website iFixit has released a repairability score for the Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus.
What we get wrong about the story of Zacchaeus
It's a classic story of repentance, and we like that. Only it isn't, not quite.
US pastor Andrew Brunson faces 35 years in jail, says he's in prison for his faith
Turkish prosecutors have asked for sentences totalling 35 years for US pastor Andrew Brunson, held in prison in Izmir on what are widely regarded as trumped-up espionage charges.