The ministry of tea and biscuits: It's more important than you think
Just recently one of my parishioners, Paul, was speaking to me. 'What we love about you being here is you always have time to sit and talk and have a cup of tea with us.'
Argentina Church says it will hand over baptism documents for torture victims' children
The Catholic Church in Argentina will hand over more than a 100 baptism documents of babies born to political prisoners in a torture centre during the country's dictatorship.
Conspiracy theorists targeting Sutherland Springs shooting church arrested
Two conspiracy theorists, who claim the mass shooting at Sutherland Springs church was staged by the US government in order to target gun laws, have been arrested.
'Change is in the air': What do Christians in Saudi Arabia think of the reforming Crown Prince?
Saudi Arabia's crown prince will meet Theresa May today as part of a three-day visit to the UK where he hopes to promote his image as a moderniser.
When does Daylight Saving Time take place? Do clocks go forward or backward?
The season to change to Daylight Saving Time (DST) is coming, and while most gadgets nowadays automatically adjust their clocks to follow this scheme, some may still be curious as to the exact time DST will take place.
New England Patriots NFL trade & roster news 2018: Will team sign Michael Bennett of Seahawks? Tom Brady to stay on as quarterback
A likely choice for the Patriots is to pick Michael Bennett of the Seattle Seahawks, because there are rumors that the Seahawks are trading him out to the highest bidder.
Denver Broncos NFL trade & roster news 2018: Team looking to improve quarterback lineup, but will keep Paxton Lynch in roster
Denver Broncos football operations general manager John Elway declared that an improvement of their quarterback roster is the offseason's number one priority.
Francis 5 years on: Pope remains popular but growing numbers say he is 'too liberal' and 'naive'
Five years into Pope Francis's time in the role he remains highly popular, but growing numbers of American Catholics on the political right view him as 'too liberal' and 'naive' according to a new survey by the respected Pew Research Center.
Why do these Pacific islanders worship Prince Philip as a god?
Prince Charles is to visit the Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu next month, where his father Prince Philip is revered as a god.
The question Richard Dawkins cannot dodge
A few years ago the prominent British magazine The Spectator asked a series of well-known public figures whether they believed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
'Crystal Methodist' banned from financial services sector
Paul Flowers was at the bank's helm until June 13 when it nearly collapsed after a £1.5 billion hole in its balance sheet appeared.
Interview: The evangelical Christian climate scientist who faces daily abuse for her work
Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist and evangelical Christian, says she gets slammed every day on social media for her contributions to establishing that climate change is human-made.
'Amateur' and 'shameful': Church of England under intense scrutiny over abuse
The Church of England may have a tendency to make child victims responsible for sexual abuse rather than the perpetrators, an inquiry heard today.
GAFCON conservative Anglicans face tensions over women bishops ahead of June meeting
The GAFCON conservative Anglican grouping, set up to resist what it perceives as a liberal drift in the Anglican Communion, is facing internal pressures over its position on female bishops following the consecration of a woman bishop in one of its constituent provinces.
Simple message on Billy Graham's gravestone shared by son Franklin
Franklin Graham, the eldest son of the famed preacher Billy Graham who died last month at the age of 99, has shared with his followers on social media the 'simple' message written on this father's gravestone.