'I'm just happy that she survived': The sermon the cab driver preached to the vicar
Sometimes speaking to someone you don't know is hugely helpful especially if, perhaps, that person is wearing a dog collar on the way to a radio studio.
Keep shouting, don't become anesthetised, pope tells young people
Pope Francis, starting Holy Week services leading to Easter, urged young people on Sunday to keep shouting and not allow the older generations to silence their voices or anesthetize their idealism.
The Catholic Church - coming to a Starbucks near you?
Young Catholics told their Church elders on Saturday that the faith should be spread in the places where they like to hang out, such as coffee bars.
Hundreds of thousands set to march for tighter US gun controls
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to rally nationwide on Saturday for tighter gun laws in 'March For Our Lives' protests led by survivors of the Florida school massacre, which reignited public anger over mass shootings.
CofE vicar named Secularist of the Year for exposing clerical abuse
A vicar who has campaigned to expose clerical sex abuse in the Church of England will be named Secularist of the Year today.
Palm Sunday worship: 8 Bible verses about praise
On Sunday, Christians all over the world will celebrate the coming of Christ to Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday.
Willow Creek's Bill Hybels accused of sexual misconduct by former leaders
The founder and former pastor of the Willow Creek megachurch, Bill Hybels, is fighting accusations of sexual misconduct over many years levelled at him by respected former leaders of the church.
Gunman shot dead in French hostage crisis
Police have shot dead a gunman who is believed to have killed three people, according to to reports from the southern French town of Trèbes.
Pakistani Christian faced with death sentence for blasphemy acquitted
A Pakistani Christian who had faced a death sentence for two years has now been acquitted.
The Donkey: How GK Chesterton radically retold Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday celebrates Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey with palms at his feet. But a famous poem illuminates the tale by embracing the perspective not of Jesus or the people, but the humble colt on which the Messiah rode.
The King in our midst: A prayer for Palm Sunday
It's an anniversary of terror, but a revelation of humble glory too. How would you pray on Palm Sunday?
Ecclesiastes 7: Which is better, a party or a funeral?
it is at the extremes of life that we often discover truth, meaning and purpose.
New general secretary for Churches Together in England
The new general secretary of Churches Together in England (CTE) has been announced as Baptist minister Rev Dr Paul Goodliff.
Northern Irish church leaders welcome Pope Francis visit
Several church leaders in Ireland are welcoming the news of Pope Francis' visit to the country, saying it could help unify Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Trump picks foreign policy hawk John Bolton as national security adviser
US President Donald Trump shook up his foreign policy team again on Thursday, replacing HR McMaster as national security adviser with John Bolton, a hawk who has advocated using military force against North Korea and Iran.