Egypt: Christian teacher charged with contempt after asking questions about Muhammad
A Christian teacher in Egypt has been charged with contempt of religion after posing a series of questions about the prophet Muhammed in a role play.
'Christianity ruined my life': Rock star slams his former faith, but who's really to blame?
We elevate celebrities just as much within the church as we do outside it, and yet we don't really know what to do when they don't live up to our rather unrealistic expectations of them.
Stephen Hawking was wrong: 3 reasons why God must exist
it has become common, even among Christians, to regard the existence of God as a matter of faith which cannot be rationally proved. But that was not the historic position.
Offensive or just awkward, 'faith' gets a bad press. Is it time to change the conversation?
Faith, like politics, has long been a 'no-go' topic for polite conversation, but now more than ever it seems to be a source of toxicity, rancour or just sheer awkwardness in current affairs.
US Episcopal Church is complicit 'in a culture of alcohol abuse', finds report
The Anglican Church in the US remains mired in a 'system of denial and helplessness' over alcohol abuse among its senior clergy, a damning commission has concluded.
Boko Haram refuses to release Christian schoolgirl as dozens of others freed
Boko Haram has released more than 110 schoolgirls kidnapped from their village last month.
Don't fear tattoos, Pope Francis tells young people
Pope Francis this week told an audience gave his blessing to the use of tattoos, telling an audience of young people not to fear them but to see tattoos as an opportunity for community and dialogue.
'One step forward': Jules Woodson welcomes megachurch pastor Andy Savage's resignation â up to a point
Jules Woodson, the woman who was allegedly sexually assaulted by the Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage, has said his resignation on Tuesday is 'one step forward' in a statement in which she remained critical of the church as a whole.
Nigerian Archbishop slams political 'incompetence, greed and insecurity' in letter to president
A Catholic Cardinal and Archbishop in Nigeria has hit out at government corruption in the country in a letter to the nation's president. He described 'negligence, incompetence, greed and insecurity' amongst political elites whilst Nigerians die of hunger and suffer terrorist violence.
Pope Francis again to visit prison for Holy Thursday foot-washing
Pope Francis is set to continue his annual foot-washing tradition this Easter; he will wash the feet of 12 prisoners at Rome's Regina Coeli prison on March 29.
Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage resigns admitting 'immoral' sexual misconduct
Memphis megachurch pastor Andy Savage has resigned from his teaching position at high church, it was announced yesterday. Savage had been embroiled in controversy following revelations about his prior sexual misconduct with a teenager.
Tomb Raider review: Searching for demons and an end to a long-running curse
Thematically, the film appears quite interesting from a Christian perspective.
What is Palm Sunday and what does it mean?
This was the moment at which his crucifixion and death became inevitable, because he was entering a very dangerous environment.
How to explain the Bible without explaining it away
Explaining difficult passages sounds like explaining them away. At its worst, it makes the biblical writers out to be idiots.
Did Stephen Hawking really convert to Christianity?
In a time-honoured tradition that goes back at least to the life and death of Charles Darwin, some Christians are claiming that a famous scientist converted to the faith before he died.