New Bible board game takes children on a 'pilgrimage to paradise'
A new Bible-based board game challenges players knowledge of Scripture in a fun, challenging and even morally formative 'pilgrimage to paradise'. A sort of Christian 'snakes and ladders', is this the game your kids (or you) have been waiting for?
Asia Bibi: Could this infamous blasphemy case finally be resolved?
Pakistan's most senior judge has said he will personally decide 'soon' the case of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman who is facing the death penalty for alleged 'blasphemy'.
Do we need to fear hell before we can love God?
There was another evangelical furore on Twitter yesterday about eternal damnation. Does God need hell to show how much he loves you?
U.S. Assemblies of God elects first-ever woman to serve as its general secretary
The leaders of the Assemblies of God have elected Rev. Donna L. Barrett as general secretary, making her the first-ever woman in the history of the Pentecostal denomination to fill the role.
Barbara Bush testified her strong faith in Jesus shortly before her death
Former First Lady Barbara Bush, who passed away last week at the age of 92, attested to her faith in Jesus Christ when she spoke to family members during her final days.
Trump's travel ban at the Supreme Court: Opponents argue it's motivated by religious discrimination
With opponents of Donald Trump's travel ban arguing that it is motivated by religious discrimination, two key judges on the US supreme court signaled support for the controversial ban on several Muslim-majority countries yesterday.
Finding the line: When does a prayer request become gossip?
Christians aren't generally fuzzy on the concept of gossip. We know it's wrong; Paul talks about 'no corrupting talk' coming out of our mouths.
Religious freedoms deteriorating, US federal watchdog finds â but there are glimmers of hope
While many countries are increasingly denying religious freedoms, especially bad acts of religious persecution are more likely to draw global protest, a federal watchdog commission has reported.
Ancient manuscript shows Quran writers erased Coptic Christian text
A 8th-century manuscript has been found to show Coptic Christian writing erased and replaced by text from the Quran, Islam's holy text.
Obama's faith adviser criticizes 'antagonism toward faith groups' that aren't totally progressive
Speaking during a panel discussion Tuesday on "religiously motivated dissent," former President Barack Obama's faith adviser Melissa Rogers was critical of some on the political Left over their attitudes towards Christians who don't subscribe to a full "progressive package of policies."
Christian publisher claims Google won't run its ads because of religious content on its website
A Christian publishing house has claimed that Google has refused to run its advertisement unless it removes references to Jesus Christ and the Bible.
Pew: African Americans are more likely to identify as Protestants than other ethnic groups
A larger proportion of African Americans are identifying as Protestant Christians compared to whites and other ethnic groups in the U.S., according to the Pew Research Center.
Pew survey: What do Americans actually mean when they say they believe in God?
Half of Americans believe their lives are planned by God, a new survey suggests, with only a quarter saying God hardly ever determines the course of their life.
What would you do if you won £121 million?
Somewhere in the UK, however, someone has bought a lottery ticket and â perhaps â had their prayers answered.
Philippines to expel Australian nun Patricia Fox for 'political activity'
A Catholic nun has been ordered to leave the Philippines within 30 days after the country's President Rodrigo Duterte personally complained about her participation in protest rallies.