UN guilty of 'overall failure to protect religious freedom', claims report
The United Nations is failing to protect religious freedom and guard against the rise in anti-conversion laws, a damning report launched next week claims.
CAR in national mourning as Christian-Muslim violence sees 24 killed, 170 injured
Three days of national mourning have been announced by the president of the Central African Republic (CAR) after an attack on a church in Bangui that killed 16 Christian worshippers, and subsequent violence that has seen eight more killed and 170 injured. The Archbishop of Bangui condemned and lamented the ongoing sectarian violence in the country.
May the Fourth be with you: Faith, the Force and the spirituality of Star Wars
May the Fourth be with you, because yes, it's Star Wars day. What might be the spiritual insights of this pop-culture phenomenon?
'Keep them in the skies': How do we pray when the odds are against us?
I loved the romance of Northolt Airfield, especially as it was home of the Polish Spitfire aces during the war.
Japan's 'hidden Christian' persecution sites recommended for World Heritage status
Twelve sites connected to the persecution of Japanese 'hidden Christians' in the Edo period (1603-1867) have been recommended for World Heritage status by THE United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Paul Ryan backs down in spat with Catholic House chaplain Patrick Conroy
US House speaker Paul Ryan has found himself in a battle with the House chaplain, Patrick Conroy, after it emerged Ryan forced him to resign.
Why is the Bible different from other ancient literature?
Three new ancient Israelite psalms have been deciphered in Egypt. It's a fascinating discovery.
'Sing a new song': The ancient psalms recovered from an Egyptian papyrus
Two new Jewish psalms dating to before the eighth century BC have been discovered on an Egyptian papyrus, granting a unique insight into the religious life of the Israelites.
Ministry cancels conference fearing California bill will gag Christian views on homosexuality, sexual identity & purity
A ministry based in Colorado has decided to cancel student conferences that were supposed to take place in California due to a pending legislation aimed at restricting attempts to change a person's sexual identity.
Avengers: Infinity War won the biggest opening weekend of all time. How did Marvel do it?
You might have that a little indie flick named 'Avengers: Infinity War' came out last week and duly demolished the box office. The film starring the villainous 'mad titan' Thanos had proved its own titanic worth, winning the biggest opening weekend of all time. How did Marvel do it?
These probably aren't the most effective preachers in the English-speaking world â and anyway, so what?
Now we know: these are the 12 most effective preachers in the English-speaking world.
A done debate? Most US religious groups now back gay marriage
Most US-based religious groups now back the legalisation of same-sex marriage, according to a study released on Tuesday. Supporters of gay marriage in America now outnumber its detractors by two to one. Wwhat might this remarkable shift mean, particularly for the US church?
US officials return thousands of ancient artefacts seized from Hobby Lobby back to Iraq
US officials have returned more than 3,800 artefacts illegally obtained from suppliers in Iraq and sold to Hobby Lobby, the giant craft store chain owned by evangelical Christians.
Heather Cook, bishop jailed for drunk driving, applies for home detention
Heather Cook, the former Episcopal Church bishop jailed for drink driving after a hit-and-run crash killed a cyclist in 2014, has applied to serve the rest of her sentence in home detention.
Revelation for today: How to read Scripture well
CJ Sansom says in a note to one of his Tudor crime novels that it would have been better if Revelation had never been included in the canon of scripture at all, given the damage it's done.