Exorcisms now so popular Catholic priests are casting out demons over the phone
Demands for exorcisms has reached such a peak that priests are casting out demons over the phone, a Vatican conference on exorcism was told on Monday.
Can an atheist go to heaven?
Can an atheist go to heaven? Categorically not, is the traditional answer. Heaven is reserved for those who have repented of their sins and trusted in Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour and Lord.
Bill Hybels: Evangelical hypocrisy and lessons for us all
What can Christians learn from the accusations of impropriety that Bill Hybels is facing?
What life is really like for Christians in a North Korean prison
'The crematorium was so small and there were so many dead bodies that we had to cut the dead bodies into small pieces with an axe.'
Florida waitress dishes out 75,000 dinners for homeless to fulfill God's calling
Florida waitress Gloria Lewis says she feels that God has called her to help out the homeless people in her community, so every week, she prepares 225 dinners and 180 breakfasts from her own kitchen to serve those in need.
CBS show 'Young Sheldon' appears to downplay impact of prayer in latest episode
The latest episode of the CBS show "Young Sheldon" featured the rare scene of a family praying in the name of Jesus, but it was immediately followed by disparaging remarks from a character who disdains religion.
Britain should do more for Commonwealth countries on climate change, says Christian Aid
A report by development charity Christian Aid has found that the Commonwealth's richer nations are doing less than poorer ones to address climate change.
Rowan Williams to launch church campaign for tax justice
Former archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is to help launch a new Christian campaign for tax justice tomorrow.
Pastor Andrew Brunson trial begins with US religious freedom envoy Sam Brownback in court
US pastor Andrew Brunson goes on trial in Turkey today facing up to 35 years in jail after being accused of aiding a terrorist group held responsible for the failed coup last July against President Tayyip Erdogan.
Richard Chartres: How the Commonwealth can tackle the scourge of trachoma
Imagine being in excruciating pain every time you blink. Imagine this pain lasting several years until eventually you lose your eyesight.
Struggle with cynicism? Here's how you might just beat it
The truth is that if you want to look for it, there's plenty wrong with every church, every charity, and every Christian.
British church leaders and peers meet with Syrian officials hours after bombing
British peers and church leaders met with Syrian government officials just hours after the UK struck the regime's chemical weapons stores on Saturday morning.
Miami Dolphins cheerleader claims NFL team discriminated against her because of her faith, virginity
A former Miami Dolphins cheerleader has filed a complaint with the Florida Commission on Human Relations against the football team and the NFL, claiming that she suffered discrimination because of her virginity and her Christian faith.
Church youth leader left with severe injuries in acid attack after unidentified man breaks into his home
A church youth leader in Tennessee was severely injured after an unidentified man broke into his home in Smyrna and doused him with an "extremely corrosive acid."
Religious belief linked to suicidal thoughts for LGBT people
Although religiosity is generally tied to reduced suicide risk, the opposite may be true for some young lesbian, gay and questioning adults, researchers say.