Syrian priest who ministers in ravaged Aleppo: 'It's God mercy that I stayed'
A priest in Aleppo has told of how he has chosen to stay in the Syria city that suffered massive destruction in the country's civil war in order to minister to the people there.
Philippines bishops slam 'unspeakable violence' of 'despotic' state after nun's arrest
Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte has revealed he ordered an investigation into an Australian nun for 'disorderly conduct', in a move against what he called 'undesirable' foreigners. The country's bishops have in turn hit out at Duterte's 'despotic government' and condemned 'unspeakable violence' being committed against religious institutions.
Chilean cardinal calls for Bishop Barros to resign over sex abuse crisis
The head of the Chilean Catholic Church said on Thursday that Juan Barros, the bishop accused of covering up clerical sex abuse, should resign. It comes just over a week after Pope Francis, who had previously defended Barros, admitted 'grave mistakes' in his handling of Chile's abuse crisis.
The 'greatest miracle': Israel at 70
To me the resurrection of the State of Israel in 1948, 2,000 years after her forced demise at the hands of the Romans and subsequent occupations by Christians and Muslims (culminating in the British occupation from 1922-47) is the greatest miracle the world has known.
Vietnamese pastor imprisoned for faith says his suffering was a 'gift from God'
A Vietnamese pastor who was jailed for his faith has related the intense abuse he experienced in jail, but said that his imprisonment was a 'gift' from God.
Benny Hinn's nephew accuses megachurch pastor Kris Vallotton of being a 'false prophet'
Costi Hinn, the nephew of controversial televangelist Benny Hinn, has called out Bethel Church leader Kris Vallotton, saying he is a "false prophet" who bought his luxury car with money he earned by deceiving people.
Not everything that goes viral is good, Lisa Bevere warns Christians
New York Times best-selling author Lisa Bevere is urging caution on the use of social media, particularly when it comes to viral posts, which she says are being mistaken by some as signs of approval from God.
How do Christian or 'spiritual' Americans practise 'self-care'?
Mental health and wellbeing is an increasing priority not only in popular culture but in the church. A study recently shared by Barna reveals how many Americans who consider themselves Christian or 'spiritual' practise 'self-care'.
China's Xi Jinping has 'particular animosity' to Christians says head of persecution watchdog
Chinese president Xi Jinping has a 'particular animosity' against Christians, according to the head of a persecution watchdog.
NT Wright: St Paul was an 'extremist' who would despair at our church disunity
What should modernity make of St Paul? It's one question the world-leading biblical scholar NT Wright has sought to engage in his latest book 'Paul: A Biography'.
Murdered for refusing to be ransomed: Alphege of Canterbury
Life as an archbishop of Canterbury is not always a bed of roses, as recent holders of the office have found out. But they should spare a thought for St Alphege, whose feast day is today.
Iceland's circumcision bill threatens 'regular persecution' of Jews and Muslims, Catholic Church says
The Catholic Church in Iceland has criticised developing legislation that would prohibit the religiously-motivated circumcision of children in the country, saying it would mean the 'regular persecution' of Icelandic Jews and Muslims.
Judge upholds injunction against Trump's ban on transgender service members
A federal judge has upheld an injunction that prevents the implementation of President Donald Trump's memo barring transgender troops from serving in the military.
Indiana church launches buyback campaign for semi-automatic weapons in response to Parkland shooting
A church in Indiana has launched a gun buyback campaign in response to the school shooting that resulted in 17 deaths in Parkland, Florida in February.
'Go to the ant': 7 types of laziness for Christians to beware of
We are meant to be active, to work and to produce things. But we don't always realise when we're being lazy.