
Tim Farron is a liberal who has been forced to give in to social illiberalism. And that's not ok.

Westminster's blanket social liberalism was demonstrated last night when, for better or worse, it finally swallowed up Tim Farron, the leader of the Liberal Democrats and an evangelical Christian.

How Easter challenges the horrifying injustice of America's death penalty

Holy Week witnessed new levels of protest against America's culture of violence, specifically the State of Arkansas' line-up of eight people to execute in 10 days.

Are American Christians really being persecuted – or are they just being manipulated?

There's an enduring narrative among many conservative Christian groups that the downfall and even persecution of Christianity in America is coming.

Gary Lineker's 'anti-Christian' Easter tweet – is there any truth in it?

When someone refers to your deeply personal and considered faith as 'bonkers religious stories', it's not unreasonable that you might take offence.

Is Lord Carey right that the UK government could do more for persecuted Christians?

Former Archbishop Lord Carey says the UK government should do more for persecuted Christians. Is he right?

France's presidential election is too close to call. What should pastors tell their congregations?

Mainstream political groups in France look adrift. Both the left and centre/right-wing presidential primaries produced winners that defied the polls. Both are now in serious trouble.

This is the real problem with Sean Spicer's Hitler analogy

There' s a handy debating tool called Godwin's Law that Sean Spicer, Donald Trump's press secretary, really ought to look up.

Why the Church in Egypt is still the hope of the world

As those of us who have regularly passed through Westminster on our way to work or just for a visit know, to have been close to the site of an horrific terrorist attack is always unnerving.

Why it's time to stop mis-using 'For such a time as this'

Christians love to reappropriate lines of Scripture as if they were simply idioms to be quoted as popular wisdom or pinned to a fridge door.

If there was no Resurrection, we're following a dead Christ

A survey conducted by the BBC suggests that 21st-century Brits might be even more open to the idea of resurrection than 1st-century Greeks.

Easter eggs and the end of Christendom: Why we need to be careful which ditch we die in

When is the right time for us as Christians to protest and when should we just get on with life?

The Lucky Number that gets you to Heaven: Revelation 15

Continuing David Robertson's Revelation series: In this weeks chapter (Revelation 15) we hear about seven angels, seven plagues, and seven golden bowls.