
'LEGO Batman Promotes Gay Adoption': When Christian Blogging Does More Harm Than Good
Some opinions are so nonsensical, the least helpful thing one can do is draw attention to them.

10 Reasons Why The UK Should Accept More Refugee Children
In the House of Commons on Thursday there is a debate scheduled about the closing of the Dubs route to refugee children. It's not too late to take action.

Why The Church Needs To Rethink Its Attitude To Marriage
A loving couple have just lost a Court of Appeal battle to have a civil partnership. What could possibly be the problem?

Not So Much 'Onward', As 'Repent' Ye Christian Soldiers
Laughing at UKIP's 'Christian Soldiers' and calling them crazy ultimately does a disservice to the Church as a whole.

The Mystery Of Millennials: They Aren't Who You Think They Are
While technology use and views on church are important to understand, some wider trends may cause church leaders to misunderstand the wider socio-economic forces driving the decisions of young adults in their 20's and 30's.

Why Do Christians Seem To Think Sex Is More Important Even Than Whether God Exists?
Most references to divorce in Scripture are pretty negative too. So why is same-sex love the random Rubicon? There seems to be a grossly hypocritical double standard here â tolerated by many of us who would claim to draw a holy line in the sand and lay down our lives for biblical truths.

Why I'm Uneasy About IKEA's Apology Over Catalogue For Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Israeli IKEA had produced a catalogue containing no images of women in deference to the country's large and influential ultra-Orthodox community.
Should Donald Trump Be Given A State Visit To Britain?
MPs will debate two e-petitions relating to a state visit by US President Donald Trump later on Monday.

Revelation 13: What Is The Mark of the Beast?
Let's try a little test. Would you accept a hotel room with the number 666? When your car reaches 666 miles and crashes do you think that's a coincidence?

What About The Rights Of The Gay Christians Who Choose Celibacy?
'If we lose Scripture, we lose Jesus Christ.'A gay Christian man writes movingly of his sense of rejection at the vote by General Synod to move away from a conservative position on sexuality.

How The Fight For Religious Liberty Is Harming Christian Witness
Here's what I think is wrong about the way these debates play out at the moment.

Memo To Bewildered Bishops - Please Be Shepherds, Not Sheep
Is it time for the bishops to remember how to lead their flock? After all, what are they supposed to be there for?