
Memo to Justin Welby: There is nothing progressive about abolishing tuition fees
The idea of going to university for free at a cost to ordinary people is nothing short of a scam for the wealthy

Are conservative evangelicals more likely to protect child abusers?
The dilemma is this. Should we believe in repentance, forgiveness and transformation? And if we do, how should we show it?

Ecclesiastes 6: Life in the Shadowlands
After the first and highly successful Live Aid, Bob Geldof turned to his fellow organiser Midge Ure, and asked, 'Is that it?'

Reimagining Britain: What sort of country do we want to live in â and why should Christians care?
Justin Welby, the archbishop of Canterbury, writes for Christian Today previewing his new book.

Why it's time for inclusion riders at Christian conferences
Here's the challenge for the A-listers on the Christian conference circuit.

Is God jealous? How we should really translate Exodus 34:14
The idea of a 'jealous Jewish G-d' as opposed to the Christian deity who is all sweetness and light has had a devastating effect on Jewish communities throughout the ages.

Why conservative Christians should stop defending George Carey
It emerged this week that police are considering whether to press charges against George Carey over his conduct in the Peter Ball case.

London's getting a female bishop, and there's nothing divine about male headship
The phrase that really needs to be questioned here is 'the divine order of male headship'. The use of that adjective 'divine' seems as inappropriate as in the phrase 'the divine right of kings'.

#MeToo: 7 lessons for the movement from slave trader John Newton
Whereas we say 'Me Too' in order to identify with the victims, Newton said 'Me Too' in order to identify with the oppressors.

Ecclesiastes 5: The secret to a contented life
David Robertson continues his series on Ecclesiasties, looking at Ecclesiastes 5:8-20

Why should parents who homeschooled 'Matilda' star risk prison?
It's difficult to miss the irony. The parents of the child star who played Matilda in the West End musical about a prodigy's struggles in a difficult school environment are facing prison for not sending their prodigy to school.

Was Billy Graham a homophobic, Christ denying, antisemitic and bigoted failed evangelist on the wrong side of history?
Although there were many fine tributes to the life and testimony of Billy Graham, what struck me were the number of people and organisations who couldn't even wait until his body was cold before they stuck the boot in.