The unfolding Anglican earthquake: a way through?
Can Anglicans ever compromise on the vexed issue of sexuality? And if not, is there now a possible way forward?
The 'mutant liberalism' behind the Lib Dem pro-abortion agenda
The motion represents a growing trend within the Lib Dems to adopt policy positions on issues which traditionally have been seen as a matter of conscience.
Why Christian subculture makes it hard to follow Jesus
If it has the prefix 'Christian', I've done it, bought it, read it. And sometimes it feels like I can't breathe. Even worse, sometimes it feels like I've lost sight of Jesus.
Archbishop Welby is right: Social justice is a thoroughly Christian thing
There's a deliciously synchronicitous irony about the release of two statements on social justice, both authored or part-authored by Christians, on either side of the Atlantic, within a day of each other.
Are we on the threshold of cloning humans?
God created man in His image. Are we on the verge of man making man in his own image?
NO. You are not to blame for your mental illness
I often have random strangers come up and offer to pray for me. I also have people tell me I'm either a sinner or harbouring unforgiveness.
Frank Field: a canary in Labour's coalmine
Like the canaries miners once carried underground as an early warning sign for dangerous gases, the resignation of Frank Field from the Labour whip is an urgent alarm call.
Isaiah and Adam Smith: What the Hebrew prophet tells us about nationhood
Isaiah's wonderful chapter 60, to be read in Shul on Shabbat, must be one of the most famous and beloved biblical passages ever.
Deliverance ministry: Why the church needs to get its act together
Despite being a legitimate aspect of the healing ministry of the Body of Christ, deliverance ministry tends to be shrouded in mystery, superstition and misunderstanding.
Religious freedom feels the heat from growth in atheism and irreligion
It is dismaying to see religious freedom struggling for life in the countries which pioneered it.
Pope Francis and Archbishop Vigano: The Church continues to wait
Pope Francis encouraged an act of inner judgment, in a way that, it is assumed, could deflect from the lynch-mob attitude that is currently growing in segments of the Church.
The moral case for climate action is clear and urgent
The Episcopal Bishop of California writes on lessons from the wildfires ravaging his state.